Sweet Leads - The BizzBee Podcast
Sweet Leads - The BizzBee Podcast
Dancho Dimkov
03 episode - Sweet Leads
22 minutes Posted Sep 9, 2021 at 6:45 am.
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In the 3rd episode of the BizzBee podcast, "Sweet Leads, Dancho, Natasha and Vera set the bar straight on what are warm leads.

Or, as we like to call them - sweet leads.

  1. If someone schedules a meeting, can we hall them a sweet lead?
  2. Not every outreach campaign goal is to schedule a meeting. Are sweet leads relevant in this context? What do sweet leads represent?
  3. As we have various synonyms, as "prospect", "lead", "sweet lead", is there a difference?

Check out Dancho's latest book on B2B prospecting and lead generation, available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3iYYdeq (Print), https://amzn.to/38dVS9n (Kindle)

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