Successful Nonprofits Podcast
Successful Nonprofits Podcast
The Goldenburg Group, LLC
Cracking the Corporate Gifts Code: A Conversation with Former Director of Corporate Giving Joe Vella
33 minutes Posted Jun 11, 2019 at 7:40 am.
Dolph talks with Joe Vella, former Director of Corporate Giving at Macy’s, to learn how nonprofits can position themselves for corporate gifts in an era of more restricted giving. *****Timestamped Highlights*****
A happy accident: How Joe began community engagement
Massaging the numbers fairly, judiciously, and strategically
Securing funds from a corporation by showing tangible results
Cause marketing vs corporate giving
Doing your homework BEFORE you approach a corporation for funding
Tips to increase your chances of receiving funding
Trust me, a tour can show a LOT
Appreciating every single dollar of a contribution
The icing on the cake to your ask – proposing an offer they can’t resist
Storytelling for the win!
What to do if you when a corporate funder declines
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Show notes
Dolph talks with Joe Vella, former Director of Corporate Giving at Macy’s, to learn how nonprofits can position themselves for corporate gifts in an era of more restricted giving. *****Timestamped Highlights***** (2:10) A happy accident: How Joe began community engagement (4:50) Massaging the numbers fairly, judiciously, and strategically (9:36) Securing funds from a corporation by showing tangible results (11:48) Cause marketing vs corporate giving (13:32) Doing your homework BEFORE you approach a corporation for funding (17:26) Tips to increase your chances of receiving funding (18:36) Trust me, a tour can show a LOT (21:35) Appreciating every single dollar of a contribution (22:46) The icing on the cake to your ask – proposing an offer they can’t resist (25:44) Storytelling for the win! (26:53) What to do if you when a corporate funder declines (27:56) Postcards, postcards, and more postcards! Links: Joe’s LinkedIn: Macy’s website: