Stuff You Never Ever Learned at the Academy Podcast

Stuff You Never Ever Learned at the Academy

Line of Duty
A Line of Duty Presentation: Your host, Ron Barber, has been producing Reality-based police training videos for over 25 years. Hear his take on all things law enforcement, training, and more. It will spark some interesting and meaningful discussion. Learn more by visiting us at Https://LineOfDuty.Com
Better To Be Judged By Twelve
Are today's law enforcement officers more hesitant to escalate to lethal force for fear of media backlash? Are they willing to risk their own life instead of being the subject of media scrutiny?In this episode, Line of Duty's Ron Barber tells us about a few instances where this may have been the case.Tune in and see what you think!
Jul 27, 2021
7 min
Don't Put a Target on Your Back
Do you pay attention to your own safety when investigating a crime scene?In this episode, Line of Duty's Ron Barber tackles this often-overlooked topic. Are you vigilant about your and the other officer's safety when at a crime scene. You might have a target on your back without even realizing it...especially in today's world of disdain for law enforcement.Tune in and give it a listen. Let us know your thoughts on this very relevant subject.
Jun 30, 2021
6 min
To Vaccinate or Not, that is the Question!
Many in the law enforcement community are wary of getting the Covid vaccine. Is it harmful...what are the long term consequences? These are the questions being asked.In this episode, Line of Duty's Ron Barber talks with Dr. Andrew Dennis, who just happens to be a cop AND head trauma surgeon at Chicago's busiest trauma hospital. Tune in and hear what Dr. Dennis has to say about getting the vaccine.
May 24, 2021
24 min
Have You Tried 'Compassionate Policing'?
In today's world, the media is quick to show law enforcement in a bad light but you never hear the positive stories about cops who are truly making an impact on people.In this episode, Line of Duty's Ron Barber shares some truly inspiring stories from the guys in blue that are out on the streets trying to make a difference in people's lives. Don't miss out on this incredible episode!
Apr 7, 2021
10 min
I Can't Breathe; Don't Just Sit There with Your Head Up Your...
Since the death of George Floyd, the "I can't breathe" mantra has caused the public to look at law enforcement with a very critical eye. How can police officers tell the difference between someone having a real medical emergency and someone who is bluffing just to get out of being taken into custody?In this episode, Line of Duty's Ron Barber is joined by three of his technical advisors to discuss this very topic.Check it out and tell us what you think.
Mar 16, 2021
12 min
The Nashville Effect
Why do we only hear negative stories in the media concerning law enforcement? Let's do something to change that!In this episode, Ron Barber tells us about the tremendous acts of the Nashville P.D. and how the department made them available for all the local and national media. What are you doing to get your department positive P.R.?Tune in to find out more.
Jan 12, 2021
10 min
The Tale of the Great Kitty Cat Caper
Have you ever worked for someone who always had it in for you? Someone who was looking for a reason to fire you?In this episode, Ron Barber talks with retired Sgt. Randy Sutton (Las Vegas P.D.). Sutton tells us an incredible story about the lengths his supervisor was willing to go to in order to get Randy into serious trouble.You'll have to tune in to hear this incredible tale. Check it out!
Dec 16, 2020
11 min
Officer Down and Shot; You CAN Survive!
What is the mindset of a cop after he/she gets shot?This is the topic of conversation for this episode. Ron Barber talks with Dr. Andrew Dennis, who just happens to be both a law enforcement officer and a trauma surgeon.Dr. Dennis tells us that many gunshot wounds are survivable but many people are of the belief that if you get shot, you are going to die.Tune in for this very important discussion.
Nov 4, 2020
10 min
Never Forget the Cruiser Patdown
As a rookie, did the veteran officers haze you or "give you the business"?In this episode, Ron Barber tells us about one cop's experience with this. As it turns out, the veteran officers were trying to teach him a valuable lesson about searching the backseat of his patrol car before and after shift change.Check it out and tells us what you think.
Sep 25, 2020
6 min
Never Quit: Powerful Messages You Need to Hear
What is it like to overcome nearly impossible odds? In this episode, Ron Barber introduces us to Israel del Toro and Jason Schecterle. Two incredibly brave and resilient men who have been to hell and back. Tune in to hear their stories about never giving up and fighting to live.It will give you a whole new perspective on life.
Sep 3, 2020
12 min
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