The guys talk about piercings, Chips Ahoy flavored donuts, What-A-Burger vs In-N-Out, and Mario Movie Spoilers -- plus comic strips! This week reigning champion B.C. has a new challenger. Who will win? Listen and find out! [...]
May 2, 2023

In this episode we tackle all the hot button topics! From fascism, to abortion, to guns (they fun to shoot), to the big one: our least favorite candies!! That's right. Oh yeah also comic strips! B.C. goes up against Hagar the Horrible for this week's comic strip of the week! Tune in! [...]
Apr 25, 2023

The boys discuss action stars Chuck Norris and Steven Seagal and all of their wacky TV shows and movies. Plus Comic Strips! [...]
Apr 11, 2023

In this one we try a new format: watching and commenting on comic strip related videos. From Garfield and Marmaduke trailers to a Family Circus Christmas Special, come see and hear what Corn Dawg and L-Dawg have to say about it here and on our "Strip Tease Podcast" youtube channel! Plus B.C. heads up against Broom Hilda in this weeks comic strip showdown! [...]
Apr 4, 2023

In this one Cornell talks about his undying love for JellyBelly. Logan calls him a shill for "Big Jelly Bean", and then talks about how he thinks all sand is parrotfish poop. Then these geniuses have a serious discussion on how to get money out of politics. Stick to comic strips you dolts!! Well, at the end Heathcliff goes up against B.C. in another strip tease battle. So, there's that... Enjoy! [...]
Mar 27, 2023

Tune in to find out who wins the final round of the Comic Strip Cat Fight: Garfield or Heathcliff! One conflict ends this week, and another arises. L-Dawg is battling with his local squirrels, We welcome Carl the Fish on for his first video appearance, and we learn the dark side of Charles Schulz. All that and more! [...]
Mar 20, 2023

In the first ever VIDEO episode of Strip Tease Podcast, L-Dawg shows up late wearing a bathrobe, and Corndawg tells of his ongoing war against a hoard of rats! Plus, in this week's comic strip face off, the Garfield vs Heathcliff saga continues! [...]
Mar 13, 2023

In this episode Corn-Dawg and L-Dawg fix all the world's problems -- from microplastics to cow farts. That's it! No more problems. You're welcome! Also, don't miss this week's comic strip battle. It's the ultimate orange cat matchup, and it doesn't end the way you might expect! [...]
Mar 6, 2023

In this episode L Dawg and Corndawg debate ice cream flavors, recap Logan's birthday party, discuss buying/selling vinyl, and announce the new Strip Tease Podcast Patreon! Sign up today for just $1K (or $5)! ...Oh yeah, and this week comic strip Bizarro faces off against Garfield. Who will win? Listen and find out! [...]
Feb 27, 2023

In this episode the boys, for the first time, attempt (and fail) to be professiona. After that The Dawgs discuss what car they would picture each other in, crazy teacher stories, and of course comic strips! Will Bizarro hold it's position at the top?! [...]
Feb 20, 2023
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