Straight From The Mouth Podcast
Straight From The Mouth
Omari Smith
S1 E2: Correlation between race and the resources used for missing people, thoughts on vaccination, favorite movie or tv series, and more. - episode of Straight From The Mouth podcast

S1 E2: Correlation between race and the resources used for missing people, thoughts on vaccination, favorite movie or tv series, and more.

43 minutes Posted Sep 26, 2021 at 11:00 pm.
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Omari is back with episode 2 of Straight from the mouth. With no guest, Omari holds down the podcast with some great topics and current news story. First, he discusses and gives his condolences to Jelani Day and his family, after his body was identified and found near the Illinois river. He goes on to talk about another missing person (who remains were found), Gabby Pettito, whose case got so much national attention, in comparison to Jelani Day's. This is supported by the "missing white woman syndrome". Tune in to hear more about that. Are you vaccinated? Well, whether you are or not, Omari shares his opinion about the vaccine. Do you have a favorite movie or tv series that you are currently watching? Omari, tells you what he's up to and what he's watching at the moment. Can you clean, cook, wash clothes, and everything in between? In another segment of Am I wrong/ the asshole, on reddit? Omari finds an interesting story about a man, wondering if he's the asshole for becoming bitter towards his wife because she doesn't clean very well. this is an episode you don't want to miss.