RWBY Vol. 8 finally returns from its lengthy midseason hiatus starting off with the main characters at the Schnee Mansion. The hideout was bound to be exposed eventually and suddenly, it turned into a cute horror movie chapter.
Feb 11, 2021
35 min

A Remnant Rewind overdue episode, I hop back on to talk about RWBY Volume 8 Chapters 6 and 7 for a refresh on what we could expect for when RWBY airs back on this Saturday after their lengthy midseason hiatus!
Feb 4, 2021
42 min

One of the legendary Final Fantasy antagonists, Sephiroth, being dropped for Smash Ultimate deserved another podcast episode for it for our review, the presentation from Sakurai, the marketing strategy of Sephiroth, Mii Costumes, and of course... the game itself.
Jan 28, 2021
1 hr 1 min

After a long week of nothing but bad news, Crunch brings nothing but heat to the table to talk about the recent, yet evil, acts committed by everyone's favorite family friendly company, Nintendo.
Dec 11, 2020
41 min

Just in the nick of time, Nintendo reveals a new character for Smash: Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7. Despite the recent news about Nintendo, Edo and Crunch talk about the hype trailer he got, his moveset, expectations for patch 10.0.0, and much more.
Dec 11, 2020
1 hr 42 min

We are now 3 chapters in of RWBY Volume 8 and we are already receiving such early signs of the death cast and how much in favor Salem has here in the war. What is even worse is that there are people that are being put out of commission so quickly. Due to last week's no show, chapters 2 and 3 are being reviewed here in chronological order.
Small note: You should REALLY listen to the podcast episode from all the way to the end here.
Animation Error: https://twitter.com/edoninjahd/status/1330296228949745668?s=12
Nov 27, 2020
46 min

It's that time of the year again where we go on another rollercoaster ride with RoosterTeeth's New RWBY Volume Premiere and feel conflicted about it once it's done for another year. Now that more characters are coming together to the stage of Atlas, Salem has finally initiated the war, though there are going to be a lot of interesting focuses to keep our eyes on for RWBY Volume 8.
Nov 13, 2020
44 min

Some time has passed since the release of Steve from Minecraft (Alex, Enderman, and Zombie skins) in Smash and this time, it took a little more to really experiment and understand the fighter's potential even though... we try to draw our own conclusion if this is truly an amazing timeline or a cursed one.
Oct 29, 2020
1 hr 23 min

As this is being typed with odd finger movements, you can already tell, there are words that need to be said regarding Smash Ultimate's New DLC Fighter as of October 2020. The typing ends here as the episode title speaks for itself.
https://twitter.com/infj_crezz (CrezzStar)
https://twitter.com/EdoNinjaHD/status/1313863955576573952?s=20 (Emotes Showcase)
Oct 8, 2020
40 min

It's that time of the year again, where we now have an official countdown for the new RWBY Volume to premiere! RWBY Volume 8's development has been the most unique in comparison with the other volumes. There is a lot of more information that came out recently that is very interesting revolving with RWBY AND its upcoming volume.
RWBY Vol. 8 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTpynn8xdA8
RWBY Vol. 8 Poster: https://rb.gy/wkmqcs
Please give in support EVEN IF IT's miniscule to the #BLM Movement. We cannot let the disrupt of order best us, we have to be the ones to put our power to make the change. BLM: https://blacklivesmatter.com/
Sep 25, 2020
35 min
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