Grief will find all of us in one way or the other. It is part of what makes us human and shows we have loved. Today, we talk about the five stages of grief, different kinds of grief, and what it all looks and feels like. Join us on FB at Stop Living the Apology and drop us a note at [email protected].
Jan 20, 2020
37 min

We have had a TON of time on our hands! What did you do over the break? We watched a TON of TV NO APOLOGIES!! Listen to Laurie and Angela discuss the “very, very,very, best” TV out there! Stoplivingtheapology.com @stoplivingtheapology
Jan 13, 2020
36 min

What I’m NOT doing this year! Is it easier for you to identify why you don’t want to repeat rather than to identify what you want to change? Us TOO! Join Laurie and Angela on Stop Living the Apology to hear what we’re never going to do again!
Jan 6, 2020
38 min

Do you need your pets like I need mine? Do you need a reason to get that dog or cat (or bird or some other pet) that you have always wanted? In this episode, we’re going to give you TEN reaons why you should get a pet or an explanation for why they help your mental health so much. This episode is about THE MENTAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF PETS! FB: Stop Living the Apology. @stopapology Insta: Stop Living the Apology
Dec 30, 2019
28 min

Sometimes, we change a person’s life for the better. Other times, we become the reason why their lives have to change. Everything happens for a reason, including our pain. Each difficult moment is an opportunity for another important lesson in our lives. Being the victim or the hero changes when we change our perspective. Join Laurie and Angela in discussing both sides of perspective. Stop Living the Apology!
Dec 16, 2019
36 min

Happy Holidays! What do you do for your holiday traditions? Join Laurie and Angela and learn what traditions YOU have been missing on! Stop Living the Apology!
Dec 9, 2019
33 min

“Do you feel like your mood, and your happiness is dependent on another person? Sometimes we do too! Listen to Laurie and Angela discuss ways to cope with codependency on Stop Living the Apology.
Dec 2, 2019
34 min

Are you tired of trying to be perfect? Is it hard to give yourself a break when you’re acting like a human that makes actual human mistakes? Listen to Laurie and Angela talk about perfectionism this week. Join our FB group at: Stop Living the Apology.
Nov 25, 2019
33 min

Have you noticed that no matter how well you do or how successful you are you still feel like a fraud? Do you fear that people will expose you for the fake you are? Do you feel like all of your success in life has come from luck rather than your own abilities and hard work? Us too! Today we’re talking about IMPOSTER SYNDROME and how we doubt ourselves and think we’re the only one who feels this way. Learn more about this psychological term and what you can do about it in this episode of Stop Living the Apology! FB: Stop Living the Apology. @stopapology Insta: Stop Living the Apology
Nov 18, 2019
30 min

How often do you compare yourself to other people-- their jobs, their families, what looks like their perfect lives? I think you'll agree with us that that's a great way to be miserable. We're working on not living the apology anymore by comparing ourselves to people who look like their lives are greater than ours. Our guess is we're all struggling, no matter how we look to other people. To continue the conversation join us on our FB group-- Stop Living the Apology, email us at [email protected], or find us on Instagram or Twitter.
Nov 10, 2019
37 min
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