Still Loading: A podcast all about Leadership for the Digital Age
Still Loading: A podcast all about Leadership for the Digital Age
Ilona Brannen
#20 Owning your story to take you on to the next level
49 minutes Posted Jan 25, 2022 at 2:18 am.
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In this episode I am chatting with Nick Elston, an Inspirational Speaker, Transformational Speaking Coach, 'In Your Corner' Mentoring and Unique Mental Health Engagement Specialist from Bristol. Nick's mission is to empower people to truly be heard personally, professionally - even in their relationships. After a lifetime of Mental Illness, Mental Health challenges, crippling Anxiety and being an introvert himself, Nick developed his programmes, tools and techniques to not just manage anxiety and nerves, but to harness that energy and use it as a catalyst to truly step up! Here, Nick shares his journey with us as to how he got to where he is today. We discuss boundaries, vulnerability, anxiety and leadership in the digital leadership context. At the end, Nick even shares his top tips for leaders on how to lead in the digital age, focusing on connection with their teams.