All you see is the highs of peoples' lives on social media. What we fail to realize is that the lows are just as, if not more, important than the highs. Here's why you should start appreciating them.
Oct 26, 2021
22 min

It’s no surprise me that most people never experience the success they dream about. However, our success is in all of our own hands. You can decide to do what everyone else is not willing to do in order to see growth and success. It won’t be easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it. But it will always be worth it. Tune and hear me preach to you on why you need to start making decisions!
Oct 19, 2021
15 min

So many people wait to feel a certain way before they do the actions, and because of that will never reach their goals.
Oct 7, 2021
14 min

I have let the fear of failure and rejection stop me for so long! Thanks to you guys for reaching out to me! I refuse to let that continue! So here is to episode #2 and finally doing the thing that you keep saying you’re gonna do and start to truly make a difference!
Apr 7, 2021
9 min

Hey guys! I am super excited to finally commit to this podcast! I had so much fear surrounding this, but I am ready to go all in! Let's do this together!
Feb 9, 2021
4 min