Startup Dad Revolution Podcast: Father | Entrepreneur | Family | Leader | Coach Podcast
Startup Dad Revolution Podcast: Father | Entrepreneur | Family | Leader | Coach
Joel Louis chats with Entrepreneur FATHERs about their Startup Dad Journey. Inspired by thought leaders Eric Thomas, Richard Branson, Les Brown, Tony Robbins & Seth Godin. The Fatherhood ver. of Entrepreneur on Fire & Smart Passive Income + Startup Podcast & Dave Ramsey Show
Startup Dad Revolution Podcast: Father | Entrepreneur | Family | Leader | Coach
Joel Louis chats with Entrepreneur FATHERs about their Startup Dad Journey. Inspired by thought leaders Eric Thomas, Richard Branson, Les Brown, Tony Robbins & Seth Godin. The Fatherhood ver. of Entrepreneur on Fire & Smart Passive Income + Startup Podcast & Dave Ramsey Show
Startup Dad Headquarters is a podcast created specifically to highlight Entrepreneur Dads | Fathers who are saying, “Enough is Enough” to the Status Quo & Limiting Beliefs and taking MASSIVE ACTION to build and grow their businesses. This podcast is uniquely designed to give you Inspiration, Leadership and Actionable advice from dads | fathers | husbands who are in the “TRENCHES” making it happen (Grinding, Building, Growing & Crushing It). So if you've been saying to yourself, “I wish I could start my own business” or “One Day I'll own my own business” or if you're a Serial Entrepreneur Dad, Side Hustle Dad, or a Small Business Owner - online business or brick and mortar business - the Startup Dad Headquarters Podcast is absolutely for you! Like you, the host of the show, Joel Louis has garnered inspiration from books like “The 4 hour workweek” by Tim Ferriss and “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Guy Kawasaki and by various entrepreneur podcasts such as Entrepreneur on Fire with John Lee Dumas, The Smart Passive Income Podcast with Pat Flynn and This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt and have wondered the HOW from a Fatherhood | Family standpoint. How are these entrepreneur dads (interview guests) building, running and growing a business with kids – spouse – family – Responsibilities? Are they even spending “Real-Quality Time” with their family | children? Joel’s mission is to show you that not only is it Possible to build your DREAMS, take the LEAP, and leave a LEGACY for your children while being a super engaged dad but it’s necessary that you do it and you do it NOW. Joel Louis is not only the founder of Startup Dad Headquarters but also a client! Join the Journey…
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8 years ago
May 23, 2016
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All content for Startup Dad Revolution Podcast: Father | Entrepreneur | Family | Leader | Coach is the property of Joel Louis chats with Entrepreneur FATHERs about their Startup Dad Journey. Inspired by thought leaders Eric Thomas, Richard Branson, Les Brown, Tony Robbins & Seth Godin. The Fatherhood ver. of Entrepreneur on Fire & Smart Passive Income + Startup Podcast & Dave Ramsey Show and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting. The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way.