Stars on Suspense (Old Time Radio)
Stars on Suspense (Old Time Radio)
Mean Streets Podcasts
Episode 143 – Mercedes McCambridge
1 hour 2 minutes Posted Aug 7, 2019 at 9:00 pm.
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Orson Welles called her "the world's greatest living radio actress," and it's easy to see why when you hear Mercedes McCambridge at the microphone. The Oscar-winning actress cut her teeth in radio before bringing home an Academy Award for her turn in All the King's Men, and years later she'd put her voice to work scaring generations of moviegoers in The Exorcist. We'll hear her in a pair of radio thrillers: "America's Boyfriend" (AFRS rebroadcast from July 21, 1957) and "The Diary of Saphronia Winters" (AFRS rebroadcast from August 10, 1958).