Starry Eyed Sanity Podcast

Starry Eyed Sanity

Jasmine Young
Discussions about life on this planet including mental health, spirituality, parenthood, politics and other random rants. Hosted by artist, student and mother @soleilifestyle.
BYE 2020, Hello new podcast! ft. OC's fave plant zaddy
In this first episode host Jasmine Solei discusses her reasoning for starting the Starry Eyed Sanity show and sits down with local Santa Ana artist and plant papi extraordinare, @ElPlantero. Together the two discuss giving back to the community, the increasing issue of displaced people, aliens, onlyfans and grieving the loss of plant life.  TRIGGER WARNING: We touch on topics such as addiction, racism, being on the streets and suicidal thoughts in this episode. Do not listen if you are easily upset by these things. XOXO 
Jan 3, 2021
1 hr 8 min