STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan Podcast
STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan
Cheryl Tan: Media Trainer & Video Coach
78: From Store Owner to Instagram Influencer With Shaunda Necole - episode of STANDOUT with Cheryl Tan podcast

78: From Store Owner to Instagram Influencer With Shaunda Necole

36 hour 3 minutes Posted Aug 27, 2019 at 9:26 pm.
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Show notes
I’m really excited to share this interview I did with Shaunda Necole. She’s a woman I have known for about five years, who started out as the owner of a retail store at the mall. Remember the mall? 
One of my favorite quotes from our interview is this one: “I found myself evolving with the times.” And her mall days morphed into an online business.
Now, she teams up with businesses to promote their products and services to her audience. Does this sound like something you would like to do? Then listen to our conversation, where Shaunda breaks down the steps she takes to get in front of the people who need to hear from her.
What you will learn in this episode:
*How one online contest changed her entrepreneurial path
*The time & effort it REALLY takes to grow a following online
*The one thing people don't respect that is critical to creating relationships in the digital world
*The power of offline & online groups to grow your business
*Why NOW is THE very best time to be an online influencer
Links mentioned in this episode:
*Shaunda Necole's Website and Ultimate Business Checklist
*The 5-Day Media Magnet Challenge
*The Ultimate DIY Guide To Getting Great Press
*My blog posts and podcast episodes on Content Creation
*Look at the content creation system I created in Trello. Click here to take a peek.
*Get the guide: "10 Ways To Ace Your Video Strategy." Click here to download it.
*Take the survey - What questions do you have about video marketing, YouTube marketing and video strategy? Click here to take the survey.
*Want to work with Cheryl? Learn more about her Strategy Sessions here.
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