Mary welcomes back JB Hixson to close our guests for 2024. The future: everyone prepares for it to some degree, on a personal, temporal level at least. But what about an eternal level? The most important thing someone can do is acknowledge they have an eternal future and prepare for it. Yet so few do. We talk about the importance of prophecy to God, how He has made a way for us to spend eternity with Him, and no amount of existentialism or atheistic soul comfort can change that. We also look at transhumanism and its end game, giving death the slip in favor of living forever contained in the confines of AI, unregenerated and lost forever. Not the kind of utopia anyone should want, but that's deception on a grand scale. But the Bible is trustworthy about all the things that matter most to everyone who ever lived. We take a look at some really pivotal passages in the early ministry of Jesus, and a short list of the mountain peaks of prophecy.
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 20, 2024
55 min

Mary welcomes back David Bowen of Lamb and Lion Ministries to put 2024 in the rear view mirror. While any significant event carries over to the future, putting them in their proper historical place helps us see the big picture. Top headlines of the year, interestingly enough, mostly revolve around Israel, which is prophetic in itself. While the Gentile nations did a lot of voting and maneuvering, it remains to be seen the significance of over 50 elections in Spring of this year. Of course, the big news for the US was mandated election of Donald Trump. We all thought this year had the potential to be filled with surprises, none were more so than November 5. We will also cover various headlines of interest to the church. What will 2025 bring? Time marches on. Jesus is coming, regardless of the headlines or American electoral colleges. And since 2024 isn't over quite yet, who knows what is to come?
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 19, 2024
55 min

A rare Wednesday NEW PODCAST with Crash Connell, featured an engaging and insightful conversation with Pastor Kevin Minske, lead pastor of Christ the Rock Church in De Pere, Wisconsin. With just a week to go before Christmas, Pastor Kevin opened the broadcast with scripture from Romans 1 and a heartfelt prayer, setting the stage for a meaningful discussion. The podcast dove into deep theological topics, addressing some of the most common questions and challenges posed by skeptics. Pastor Kevin shared his perspective on issues such as the existence of evil, moral progress, and the perceived contradictions in the Bible, grounding his answers in scripture and a profound understanding of God’s unchanging nature.
Kevin emphasized that apologetics is not about winning debates but about glorifying God and pointing others to the hope found in Jesus Christ. For those wanting to hear more, Christ the Rock Church streams services live every Sunday at 8 a.m. Central Time at ChristTheRockChurch.org, with his teaching series also airing Sundays at 11 a.m. on Q90FM. Here's the link to Pastor Kevin's testimony https://christtherockchurch.org/pastor-kevin-minske-testimony/
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 18, 2024
56 min

Mary chats with theologian, author and speaker Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum. He is one of the foremost authorities on the nation of Israel. He received his BA from Cedarville University, and his Masters of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.The completion of his dissertation, Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology, was the culmination of 13 years of research for which he earned his Ph.D. at New York University in 1989. He has done graduate work studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in NY and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the founder and director of Ariel Ministries, which is dedicated to evangelism of Jewish people and discipleship of Jewish and Gentile believers from a messianic Jewish frame of reference. His testimony as a Messianic Jew goes back to the 1940s when his parents were driven from their home in Poland, ending up eventually in the US after the war. A full version of his conversion is found here. Today we discuss his story as well as the biblical teaching that all of Israel shall be saved. Gentiles often have questions about this very subject because today's churches are not clear on this issue, citing that since Israel is gathered in unbelief since 1948, today's Israel has no prophetic significance. Dr. Fruchtenbaum's teaching on the 5 covenants of Israel and who exactly is in the land clears this up. Dr. Fruchtenbaum has a pre-trib, pre-millennial, dispensational perspective; his teachings help the Gentiles understand the Jewishness of the entire Bible. All of his incredible resources are found here.
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 17, 2024
55 min

Gary Kah joins Mary Danielsen (original airedate: 12/15/23) as we discuss his insights on Israel and globalism. Gary was talking about globalism long before most of us and has unique insights. He is a sought after speaker and has been faithfully watching the clock since the early 1990s. Also, what does it really mean to stand with Israel and of course, don't look to the UN or the US at this point. This open ended war may indicate it's later than we think, on God's timeclock at least. Stay awake!
Dec 16, 2024
55 min

Mary chats with Patricia Engler today from Answers in Genesis. She is an apologetics speaker, author, and podcast host for AiG. After 12 years of homeschool and a bachelor of science degree, she backpacked around the world in 180 days documenting how Christian students keep their faith at university. The top takeaways from this research are available in Patricia’s book, Prepare to Thrive: A Survival Guide for Christian Students. Patricia joined AiG–Canada as a speaker, writer, and youth outreach coordinator before transferring to AiG–US in 2022. The same year, she also embarked on a second backpacking journey, this time to research Marxism’s history and consequences in Europe. Both backpacking trips formed the basis for separate teaching series available on Patricia’s blog. Today we discuss that 2nd journey, and how Marxism goes against God's Word and over time leads to totalitarian regimes. Patricia gives us some context for the worldview issues, and the spiritual roots of this humanist religion. How should Christians respond? A thoughtful hour in our daily battle of worldviews. Her latest book, "Modern Marxism: A Guide for Christians in a Woke New World" can be found here.
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 13, 2024
55 min

Mary welcomes back Carl Kerby of Reasons for Hope Ministries, an apologetics ministry that covers many different areas and ways to contend for the faith. In these days of moral ambiguity and outright amorality, the porn industry is one of the most insidious, soul trashing industries under the sun. Statistics regarding the popularity of this pursuit are stunning, having increased tremendously over just the last few years. It is estimated that 28,258 users watch porn every second and 35% of all internet downloads are related to porn; 64% of the 18-24 demographic seek it out on a weekly basis. When you add human trafficking as a supplier, there is clearly no lack of demand and it may never go the other direction. We chat about what families can do to keep it far from their homes and thus honor God in this matter as we are commanded. In the 2nd half, we will talk about a book series from Reasons for Hope that are certainly family friendly and edifying, their "Fascinating Facts" series, and how they would make a great Christmas gift. Homeschooling has enjoyed a wonderful renaissance due to Covid, and ministries have truly stepped up with great resources, Reasons for Hope is no exception.
Stand Up For The Truth Videos: https://rumble.com/user/CTRNOnline & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgQQSvKiMcglId7oGc5c46A
Dec 12, 2024
55 min

[Original airdate: 12/7/23] Mary Danielsen talks with prophecy expert and author Terry James, founder of Rapture Ready ministry. Terry has been coming alongside the church for decades to encourage and exhort believers to look upward, and now more than ever. His soon-to-be-released book, "Nearing Midnight: As it Was in the Days of Lot" helps the reader understand what is the significance of believing that the church's work on earth is winding to a close. We talk about cultural insanity, evil men and seducers, and why these times are so perilous for the awake, the woke, and the slumbering denier. "Rapture Ready" is a great resource for the believer and has an entire section of updated commentaries called, "Nearing Midnight" as well as headlines and articles from the very best and brightest minds who are watching bible prophecy unfold.
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Dec 11, 2024
55 min

Today we welcome back Alex Newman to talk about some of the important issues as 2024 draws to a close. First up, the recent UN Climate Summit and his attendance there, things he saw and heard. Does the election of Donald Trump cast a shadow on the globalist Christmas wish list? Or is it business as usual, shaking down the richest nations for trillions to finance their scam? We'll find out what he saw first hand and what the outcome could mean for our bottom line tax bill. Next, we discuss the Trump transition team, not the usual process involving favors to politicians who do favors to get, well, favors in return, but rather, these are non-politicians who are promising to work for us little folk. Who might be confirmed, who might not. Will things get done from day 1? We will break that down with Alex's help. Another topic is the education system and how dissolving the Department of Education might affect our children, taking education back to state control and what that might look like. A full hour of important topics.
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Dec 10, 2024
55 min

[Original airdate: 8/23/24] Mary welcomes Britt Gillette today of End Times Bible Prophecy to help us catch up on the latest news on the economy and the global reverberations in a world that is run by technocrats. Around a year ago we heard of several major banks failing, followed by complete silence from the media. In the same way, August 5 of this year saw Japan's largest market drop in their history, with weak knees ensuing around the world, all on the rumour that the US is "in a recession". Followed by crickets, August 6. What is going on? Does anyone know? Worse yet is being kept in the dark by all parties, especially banksters. Of course, public panic is not something they wish to ignite but at some point, the elite plan for a global economy will become perfectly clear. Until then, we have guests like Britt Gillette to clue us in. You can also find his articles on his Substack page. His books can be found here. An informative hour.
Dec 9, 2024
54 min
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