We used to have guests on this podcast quite regularly. Then we didn't. Such are the vagaries of life. But sometimes. Sometimes you run across someone who's artistic vision is so pure and unsullied that you simply must invite them onto your podcast so that you can shove them back towards the mainstream, and crush any artistic joy they once had.
Our guest this episode is the wonderful Taylor Reiner, who is the creator of the "Taylor's Trick Taking Table" You Tube channel that focuses on trick taking games from around the world. Taylor is also a rising star in game design and development, with two games currently published, Short Zoot Suit and Of What's Left. Also soon to release is Seer's Catalog from Bezier Games.
On this episode we discuss:
- Social Security Numbers
- Goulash
- Fast talkers
- Bagels
- Ice cream
- But mostly goulash
As a bonus, Taylor and I include a top 3 for Dan's benefit. It's called, "Top 3 Games for People who are Fightened and Confused by Trick Taking Games".
For more information about Taylor, check out his channel here:
Join Myself and Dan at AireCon NW! (also Zee and Camilla, I guess)
16-18th August 2024 - Manchester
Get tickets here!