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jump to conclusions 过早下结论,贸然断定
jump 跳
conclusion 结论
Let’s not jump to conclusions.咱们先别这么快就下结论。
I know you saw her with a man, but don't jump to conclusions, talk to her first. 我知道你看到她和一个男人在一起,但不要妄下结论,你先跟她谈一下。
jump to conclusions 过早下结论,贸然断定
jump 跳
conclusion 结论
Let’s not jump to conclusions.咱们先别这么快就下结论。
I know you saw her with a man, but don't jump to conclusions, talk to her first. 我知道你看到她和一个男人在一起,但不要妄下结论,你先跟她谈一下。