Spirituality of Strength Training Podcast

Spirituality of Strength Training

Anna Willard
Welcome to the Spirituality of Strength Training! The show covers everything from the strength training, spiritual practices, meditation, mindfulness, soul awakening, healthy lifestyle, yoga, and the science of healing physically, mentally, and spiritually. Anna Willard is a health profession who discovered the integration between mind, body, and spirit and the importance of healing all three together as one during her own healing journey. Hear from health professionals, psychiatrist, spiritual leaders and strength coaches. Enjoy!
SST_77: How to Embrace Change and Mourn Well with your Host Anna Willard
Listen in as Anna Willard shares how to mourn the Past, Present and Future during these times of COVID-19.  She also shares the importance of how to mourn well by living a life with passion.  The root word for passion is to endure well, to suffer well.
May 4, 2020
17 min
SST_76: Re-wild your Psoas with Drew Ragan a Yogi and Strength Coach
The psoas, (the muscle of the soul in Eastern Medicine) is the most intimately connected muscle to our nervous system.  ~ Drew Ragan
Feb 24, 2020
40 min
SST_75: The movement from a psychologist to a spiritual coach Janine Miller-DeLany
How to face and heal trauma vs getting stuck in “woe is me” When in the exercise zone, it frees your mind and physical blocks  Training with joy from the childlike spirit  Self - Judgement creates less energy and restriction  in body  How to have self-love without the other person and the importance of community  How to balance the craziness from news along with self healing, self-care  How to stay open to messages of love within the body
Feb 17, 2020
54 min
SST_74: Heal for Life with Liz Mullinar CEO at Heal for Life Foundation
Trauma brings transformation. It is a choice how it will change you. It can destroy you, or it can create strength to love and live in the midst of hope. Liz Mullinar the CEO at Heal for life Foundation shares her wisdom and experience as a healer and psychologist.
Feb 9, 2020
1 hr 4 min
SST_73:  Understanding the present, past and the future to living the fullest in 2020 with Anna Willard
Listen to this short solo episode as Anna’s is in complete flow with her thoughts giving you insight and wisdom to this new year and new decade.  Here are three simple things she talks about to help you accomplish things beyond your wildest adventures.
Jan 27, 2020
17 min
SST_72: A new year a different cry
Letting go is an expression of grief, grieving is a process of forgiving. ~ Anna Willard  A new year, a new decade brings change and invites transformation and transitions within our life. For us to embrace the fullness of any type of change there is a grieving process of letting go of the past, good and bad, joyous and hurtful moments.
Jan 1, 2020
8 min
SST_71: A Silent Night with your host Anna Willard
Silence and Solitude brings us to the wisdom of our oceanic cells and the deep desires of our heart's soul.  ~ Anna Willard
Dec 9, 2019
10 min
SST_70: The hard reality of Forgiveness; Acceptance with your host Anna Willard
"Self-Forgiveness is accepting the reality truth of our failures, flaws, and imperfections" ~ Anna Willard  Todays Short Sweet Solo Episode Anna Willard talks about three simple steps to follow when practicing self-forgiveness. Acceptance, Daily Doing, and Positive Understanding.  Listen in as she shares how she too struggles with this practice of forgiveness.
Nov 25, 2019
12 min
SST_69: Unsure of the future, forgive the past to set you free to see the present moment
From modeling, to stunt driver, to becoming a Hypnotherapist Belinda brings us to a entire new perspective within this practice of forgiveness.
Nov 11, 2019
56 min
SST_68: The Art of Forgiveness with these three powerful women, Reita Johnston, Betsy Shilling, and Stacey Sorgen
All three of these women bring a broad and deep perspective to forgiveness and the intersection to mind and body within this practice.  In this episode you will learn different aspects of forgiveness like  How to have grace and faith  Develope a level of self-trust  How letting go is a step by step process Its ok to start small  Mindfulness within forgiving self  For the yoga therapy ball here is the link https://livewellround.com/?ref=e6wwg2ew7kq Use ironwilltrain and save $10
Nov 5, 2019
1 hr 28 min
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