Spiritual Caffeine Podcast

Spiritual Caffeine

Dana Sanders
Your healthy spiritual energy boost that gives you LDS contextual insights into living happier. We'll delve into scripture, our prophets, universal truth, self-development, life coaching, all forms of art: literature, theatre, film, dance, music and visual art and scientific data.
Episode 24: To Be Seen
How would it feel to be seen more (and appreciated) for who you truly are? Join me on a journey to be more real publicly, in your inner circles, with new acquaintances, and with God.
Jan 10, 2021
24 min
Episode 23: Gratitude 365
Gratitude--a habit proven by science to increase our level of happiness. Oh yeah, and God asks us to give gratitude as well for a myriad of reasons  backed by His science. Let's do this, starting now, for 365 days.
Jan 10, 2021
23 min
Episode 22: Call the Midwife
The Miracle of Birth. Yes, capitalization, it's that amazing. Have you ever wondered what a midwife actually does? Join us as Becky Lindstrom and I chat about midwifery, birth choices,  and how things have changed over the years.
Jan 10, 2021
48 min
Episode 21: How to Listen Like a Dog
My new puppy, Atticus, is mastering listening, just like we can master listening to The Master.
Jan 10, 2021
24 min
Episode 20: Releasing Mom Guilt with Lisa Lewis
If you’re a mom, you may have contracted Mom Guilt.  Lisa Lewis, LDS therapist, helps us understand better how to heal and prevent our Mom Guilt and have more self-compassion.
Sep 5, 2020
42 min
Episode 19: The Happiness Playbook
Happiness. Got some? Want more? This is THE playbook. Neal Hooper walks us through the beauty of The Happiness Playbook  and Play Theory.
Aug 22, 2020
1 hr 2 min
Episode 18: The Chosen
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to witness Christ's ministry through the eyes of those who knew Him, who are three dimensional human beings, not non-relatable historical figures? The Chosen is one of the VERY best gifts of 2020...actually, of any year and deserves to be a globally embraced, as it has.
Aug 22, 2020
19 min
Episode 17: Walk for Peace 2020
James, Paul and Katrina are cross-country walking: Walk for Peace 2020. They started in San Francisco and will end up in D.C. (July - Dec.) Along the way, they will be striving to showcase the humanity they find in people, draw attention to good causes and become the change they wish to see.
Aug 15, 2020
54 min
Episode 16: Saying "Yes, And..." To Your Life
Saying, "Yes, And..." makes all the difference in improvisational theatre and in your own life.
Aug 1, 2020
30 min
Episode 15: For Half a Mil, Yeah I Will! 10 Lessons From the History Channel Survivor Series, Alone
What would you do for $500,000? What price can you put on invaluable knowledge? Listen to the 10 Lessons from the History Channel's survival series, Alone.
Aug 1, 2020
46 min
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