Spiritual Business Academy Podcast

Spiritual Business Academy

Kayla Lappin
Develop your spiritual gifts and build a 6-figure business as a spiritual healer and entrepreneur with spiritual medium and business coach Kayla Lappin.
9. What to Do When Things "Aren't Working" in Your Business
What do you do when things "aren't working" in your business? How can you alchemize this energy of feeling like things are going wrong into energy that serves you and your business on a deep level? In this episode, I dive into how you can get yourself back into alignment and hit the goals you want to hit! Links: https://kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy/
Jul 8, 2022
22 min
8. A Not-So-Linear Path to Embracing Your Gifts As A Spiritual Healer with Hillary Lester
What do the breadcrumbs of your spiritual gifts look like? In this episode, I speak with Spiritual Medium and Life Coach, Hillary Lester about her not-so-linear path to stepping into her spiritual gifts, giving her first readings, and running her spiritual healing business. Spiritual Business Academy Sign-Up: https://kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy/  Spiritual Business Academy Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/joinspiritualbusinessacademy  Connect with Hillary here:  Website: https://thehealthymusiciansite.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/hillaryjeancoaching Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehealthycomposer/ | @thehealthycomposer Crafted with Light: https://www.facebook.com/craftedwithlightmt https://www.instagram.com/craftedwithlightmt/   
Jul 1, 2022
56 min
7. Lessons Learned Since Quitting My Job A Year Ago To Be A Full Time Healer
What I've learned over that last year as a spiritual business owner since quitting my job. Spiritual Business Academy 3-Day Accelerator: https://kaylalappin.com/sbaaccelerator/  Spiritual Business Academy Full Program: https://kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy/ 
Jun 24, 2022
45 min
6. The Power of Belief Work with Monica Schwemin
Guest, Monica Schwemin and I open up about the power of belief work and what it can do for your life, your business, and your work as a spiritual healer.  Monica is an intuitive energy healer practiced in the modalities of Reiki, Soul Purpose Mapping Through Hand Analysis, Theta Healing, and her own unique gifts as a powerful energy healer. She is a mom, an elementary art teacher, and, notably, MY SISTER!  Episode Links:  Monica's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ArtfullyIntuitive Monica's Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/423841836033772/ Monica's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momicaintheraw/ Monica's Website: http://artfullyintuitive.com/  Spiritual Business Academy Program: https://kayla-lappin.mykajabi.com/podcasts/spiritual-business-academy/episodes/2147735371 How to Feel Worthy as a Spiritual Healer (Podcast from Spiritual Business Academy): https://kayla-lappin.mykajabi.com/podcasts/spiritual-business-academy/episodes/2147735371  Coaching " The Model" Work: https://thelifecoachschool.com/self-coaching-model-guide/  Judgment Detox, By Gabrielle Bernstein https://gabbybernstein.com/judgment-detox-book/ 
Jun 17, 2022
59 min
5. How to be Great at Social Media as a Spiritual Healer
How to turn your dislike for social media into energy that allows you to become a powerhouse for authentic expression that attracts clients, sales, and aligns you to your highest self.   Kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy  https://www.facebook.com/groups/joinspiritualbusinessacademy 
Jun 10, 2022
36 min
4. Why Making Making Money as A Spiritual Healer is Good for the World
Why making money as a spiritual healer is how we change the world. We'll talk about money mindset, money & wealth healing as spiritual healers, and why when healing is priced higher it is a benefit for you and your clients. How energetic flow with money works, and the impact of infinite possibility/energy that you as a spiritual healer will impart to the world. So much goodness! Oh and we'll talk about how to crush the patriarchy as well. Get it!
Jun 3, 2022
32 min
3. How to Let go of Blocks as a Spiritual Healer
How to let go of: -Client Blocks -Money Blocks -Wealth Blocks -Spiritual Blocks in your spiritual healing business so that you can create a relationship with your own growth and be in partnership with it.  Spiritual Practice Download: https://kayla-lappin.mykajabi.com/pl/2147580677 
May 27, 2022
29 min
2. How To Feel Worthy As A Spiritual Healer
In this episode, I break down the concept of worth and how we can re-establish our connection to it as spiritual healers. As we reconnect to and repair our relationship to worth, we begin to attract ideal clients, make more money in our businesses, and step into our gifts and potential at a deeper level. Link to meditation to connect with worth: (COMING ASAP!) Join the Spiritual Business Academy: https://kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy/ Join the Spiritual Business Academy Facebook Community:https://www.facebook.com/groups/joinspiritualbusinessacademy  
May 20, 2022
33 min
1. How to Create a 6-Figure Business as a Spiritual Healer
How to build out the pillars of your spiritual healing business to get to 6-figures or more. This includes 1:1 sessions and the creation of a signature offering that will change the baseline of your business. Link to join the Spiritual Business Academy: https://kaylalappin.com/spiritualbusinessacademy/
May 13, 2022
24 min