My guests today were Kenny Salvini (C3-4) and Ian Mackay (C2-3) from the great state of Washington. We talked about Ian's project, Ians Ride as well as the Here and Now Project of which Kenny is co-founder with Ian. We discussed the impact of assistive technology on their lives and the independence it brings. There are a few funny moments, it wouldn't be a conversation with them if there weren't.
Feb 1, 2022
1 hr 1 min

Kelly shares the story of how Access Trax came to be. We talked about the product but our conversation was really about her journey leading up to Access Trax and how her company is changing lives within the paralysis community.
Link to all of our podcasts: https://www.spinal-network.org/links-to-listen-to-our-podcast/
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCObjE4UC61TvwvQxiVcUEaA
Access Trax: www.accesstraxsd.com
Jan 21, 2022
56 min

Annie is the Grassroots Advocacy Manager for United Spinal Association and a power chair user for over 16 years. This was a fun episode, some great information and a few laughs to go with it.
Link to all of our podcasts: https://www.spinal-network.org/links-to-listen-to-our-podcast/
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCObjE4UC61TvwvQxiVcUEaA
Annies Monthly Advocacy Live Show: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Funitedspinal.org%2Fevents%2Fadvocacy-live-at-5pm%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR25XXb4DmNqzroFpae5QsvXbHZS87LNiVXxIxOgUJ2syB3g8GYih0JRkQw&h=AT2Qaya0k9OigdbkQNsPzNTBala8HVd7s9V2_LmauEdUvEqM-DClr2IsymH_m_7lejyEOWyHAeakc0WuVFT9XYfeDO2M-i_AcYBxdNHFY7at-MfkEPF7K88wt6BByeLUHQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT2aRbxD-E-nGra9Ye27bFuodnooWWPRzgjk6xx1T0RnvfXl7TbW3AsXF7msHgNKeLeuSYtSv_2DdKsW8zM5i1xV3Z25ztkaXbl6ONIECABa12-4f0YtZU0baEygrq2923Wr7_DIKcpnW_yMZQyQdCtB0oruBlZVSbLMwnrJ4hGkya1o
Jan 7, 2022
47 min

In our fourth episode, we asked Ashley Burrow to educate us on Mitochondrial Disease, what it is, the symptoms and prognosis. Ashley also talked about the Mito 5K fundraiser coming up in May of 2022.
Dec 21, 2021
56 min

A wonderful conversation with Mark Daggett, founder of Rally 4 Reilly & Friends, a San Diego based nonprofit that provides assistance to those within the spinal cord injury and spinal diagnosis community.
Dec 6, 2021
48 min

A wonderful conversation with my friends Kenny and Claire Salvini from Washington. Kenny heads up the Here and Now Project, a great organization that connects and empowers the paralysis community there. Check them out https://www.hereandnowproject.org/
Nov 20, 2021
57 min

A truly engaging conversation with Jamila DeCarli, program coordinator for Workability III, a program designed to serve serve individuals with disabilities who are both community college students and DOR consumers desiring employment.
Here is the link to the full video on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/K9FTAqFpBMg
Nov 5, 2021
42 min