Speak All Evil Podcast Podcast
Speak All Evil Podcast
Red Mustard Ent.
via Podcasts
I don't even really like horror
...but I love these folks. It's so fun to listen to people who really love their subject matter.
Simon Peterson
“Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make”
I LOVE this podcast so hard! I thought I was a horror fan until I started listening to Speak All Evil and realized I was just a horror chump. I’ve listened to you every day at work since I came across your podcast. I saw the animated ad on Instagram where Cat is screaming 👏😍 and fell in love immediately. Cat, Trent, Kevin & Dave…you are my “friends”. Or at least that’s what I call you when I get home from work and tell my husband what movies “my friends” suggested…or didn’t suggest. You’ve opened my eyes to so many new horror films that I wouldn’t have tried if it weren’t for your podcast and I thank you all for that. Mad respect to you for all your knowledge, deep dives and takes on each movie. I’m very close to being caught up to where I’ll have to wait a week between your shows and I am at peace with that 😬 Please keep creepin’ on, children of the night🖤🤘🖤🤘🖤🤘🖤🤘
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Rumble Pie
Greatest horror movie podcast
And it seems like all the hosts are really attractive too.
Covid Dallas
Great podcast!
Funny, engaging, nuanced, and knowledgeable (in no particular order) I really enjoy this podcast. This 4-headed-horror-hydra is on point with their takes on all things evil. The background music and sound effects are used inconsistently, however. While someone describes a movie, it makes no sense to pipe-in distracting music. Other than that, literally, good stuff here .
Therent Ode
Informative and Funny
I laughed my mask off.
thomas Funk old ink
Great horror movie pod cast!
I though I knew horror, but I was wrong! This podcast is great. I love the movies, listening has opened me up to more great movies I never knew about! The “cast” is fantastic, they give a full and descriptive view of how they each felt and saw the movies through their eyes. I like adding my commentary and talking to the pod cast, even though, of course, they can’t hear me 🤪 The “gentle “ ribbing they give each other and the comfort between them is enjoyable. I love this podcast and look forward to hearing it every week.
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Don’t listen alone!
Some great horror movie reviews right here! Ice always loved horror movies and it’s great to hear others that do- with a sense of humor! As if life wasn’t scary enough right now....
An engaging and amusing take on horror
Insightful and funny, with a good balance of humor and sincerity in their brand of film criticism! Check it out!
jay guevara
I grew up next door to a kid who’s older brother was a horror fanatic. I guess it rubbed off on me. This is right up my alley.
Awesome podcast
I listen religiously. Highly recommend this podcast to everyone, not just horror movie lovers. I love it!
Just binged the first 3 episodes. Love it. I’ve always loved horror films and I feel like I’m in the convo with you guys. Also takin notes and building my queue of flicks to see and revisit! Keep it up!! -Jimbo
The Horror!
Smart, fun and relevant. Great pace and cool production. Can’t wait to see where this goes!