This week on Sparkleside Chats, Ayu talks with magical creator Fran about their story Magical Boy Troubles. Read the story on Tapas or Webtoon and follow her on Twitter and Tumblr! Also don't forget to check out their other stories, Sireneta and Spooky Boyfriends. Also, support her Etsy shop and Patreon!!
Series mentioned:
Sailor Moon
Corrector Yui
Princess Love Pon
Ojamajo Doremi
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Cosmic Baton Girl Princess Comet
Madoka Magica
Steven Universe
Heartcatch PreCure
Super Sentai (Power Rangers)
Music featured:
"In The Middle Of Nowhere" by Adrian Berenguer from
Original podcast music by Hazel, @afewbruises
Read and share Ayu's breakdown of magical girl subgenres on AnimeHerald!
Want to share your idea for a topic or guest? Submit your idea here!
Extra special hugs to anyone who buys something off the magical wishlist!
Commission Ayu for art, or drop off a donation!
Feel free to leave a message on Anchor about your favorite magical girl series and it might just appear on a later episode.
Find the podcast online on Twitter or Instagram @magicalgirlayu or on Anchor at sparkleside, and don't forget to comment online with the hashtag #SparklesideChats! Contact us by email at [email protected] or in Twitter DMs.