In this week's final episode of Season 1, Emily follows up to last week's episode where she explained how she found herself romanticizing her former drinking days. This week, she'll describe what she thinks triggered her and how she's moving past it.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-Emily's follow up to last week's episode-Her realization of what really caused her to think about her former drinking days-How she's overcoming those feelings and growing from it-A little teaser about what to expect in Season 2 and why she's deciding to wrap up this seasonPlease make sure to follow me on social media, so we can stay in touch during the interim and you can follow along with updates on Season 2!Sources to Highlight:https://hellosundaymorning.org/2017/10/10/stress-anxiety-drinking/https://checkupandchoices.com/11-tips-and-ways-to-deal-with-urges-and-cravings-to-drink-and-can-be-helpful-in-dealing-with-urges-to-use-drugs-too/The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Apr 12, 2022
29 min

In this week's episode, Emily describes how this past week she was triggered by a couple different moments and how that sent her into a state where she found herself romanticizing about her former drinking days.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-What happened to trigger her-Her realization that even with years of sobriety behind her, she still has weak and difficult moments with wanting to drink-How her old ways of thinking crept in just by a triggering yet innocuous event-How she was able to pull her way through itSources to Highlight:https://www.startuprecovery.com/blog/romanticizing-the-drinkThe stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Apr 5, 2022
29 min

In this week's episode, Emily describes how her first year of sobriety felt. She details how her former way of thinking held her back in her first year and how her first AA meeting helped her relieve feelings of frustration, deprivation, and resentment.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-Her experience at her first sober holiday-Her opinion on why she struggled so much in her first year-How her old ways of trying to constantly be positive did more harm than good-Her experience at her first AA meeting and her "aha moments" that she took away from itSources to Highlight:I HIGHLY recommend grabbing the book, This Naked Mind, by Annie Grace. Her book is what helped me overcome that feeling of being deprived from alcohol. I also linked a video from her Facebook page and a great article that better explains "toxic positivity" that I referenced in the episode.https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=547537255956473https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-toxic-positivity-5093958The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Mar 29, 2022
32 min

In this week's episode, Emily pulls inspiration for today's discussion from a DM she received from a listener on Instagram. She describes a situation where she was blatantly told her new journey of living an alcohol free life was going to cost her friendships. She navigates through this topic with curiosity and newfound wisdom.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-The direct message she received from a listener that inspired the topic on this episode-Her opinion on losing friends during times of change-What her "internal warning system" is and how that plays a role in her decision making-Her take on what kept her successful in the face of dissuasionSources to Highlight:https://riahealth.com/blog/how-to-tell-your-friends-you-dont-drink-anymore/https://jointempest.com/resources/will-i-lose-friends-if-i-quit-drinking/https://www.brit.co/vulnerability-in-relationships/The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com. You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Mar 22, 2022
31 min

In this week's episode, Emily talks about the stigma surrounding someone who says they're "sober". Emily discusses how she used to believe sobriety was admitting failure, but now she realizes her sobriety is what enabled success in her life.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-How Emily used to perceive sobriety vs how she sees it today-How the world needs more examples of sober and successful people to help end the stigma-The realization she had about what's keeping people locked into addiction and unhealthy relationships with alcoholSources to Highlight:I mentioned Eminem's and Mary J. Blige's sobriety, so I wanted to leave a couple articles highlighting their stories. I was unable to verify Dr. Dre's sobriety, so I may have misspoke on his story, so apologies if I stated an inaccurate fact :)https://hiphop24x7.com/news/eminem-is-13-years-sober-today/https://www.distractify.com/p/mary-j-blige-sobrietyThe stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Mar 15, 2022
27 min

In this week's episode, Emily talks off the cuff about some interesting and inspirational conversations with her gynecologist. Who knew an annual pap smear appointment would be apart of what inspired Emily to start this podcast...Here's what to listen for in this episode:-How opening up in her doctor's office inspired her to start sharing more publicly-Her doctor's perspective on what's going on with his patients-The alarming rate of anxiety and depression amongst the millennial and younger women he sees as patients-Her doctor's suggestion of bringing awareness to these subjects as a solution to remedying the ever growing problem of addiction and mental health issues.Sources to Highlight:This week, my only source was information I gathered from my doctor. I decided to include this article to support the claim he made that I referenced in the episode. I think it's important to note how so many people who deal with anxiety and depression aren't very forthcoming about their struggles due to the stigma attached, but when asked by a doctor if they experience feelings of anxiety or depression, oftentimes doctors can better gauge the situation. I decided to keep my doctor anonymous in this episode, but I wanted to include a source to help support his findings amongst his patients.https://www.horizonhealthnews.com/anxious-and-depressed-millennials-and-gen-z-need-help-this-is-how-to-support-them/The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Mar 8, 2022
30 min

In this week's episode, Emily describes how she held herself to unrealistic standards of perfection and how those standards became her biggest burden to bear.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-How Emily recognized what she believed to be "golden"-What role did alcohol play in the pursuit of perfection-How she transitioned from white knuckling her sobriety to thriving in her sobriety-What she believes to be her root issue in her problematic drinkingSources from this week's episode:https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/alcohol-abuse/related-topics/bariatric-surgery-alcoholism/#:~:text=In%20another%20study%2C%20researchers%20followed,banding%20developed%20an%20alcohol%20addiction.Here's the book I referenced in the episode!https://www.amazon.com/Untamed-Glennon-Doyle-Melton/dp/1984801252/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1SWA7XLAOH1R5&keywords=untamed+by+glennon+doyle&qid=1646099537&sprefix=untamed%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Mar 1, 2022
28 min

In this week's episode, Emily describes how the stereotypical portrayal of an alcoholic is keeping people from getting the help they need. Here's what to listen for in this episode:-What does an alcoholic look like?-How the stigma kept her father from getting the necessary help-How is alcoholism described today by medical and psychology professionals -What alcoholism looked like for EmilySources from this week's episode: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/157163https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alcoholismhttps://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alcohol-use-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20369243https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/alcohol-abuse/faq/am-i-an-alcoholic/The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Feb 22, 2022
20 min

This week's episode is a bit different than what you are used to hearing over the last few weeks. Emily sits down with her husband, Alex, to have some fun and discuss his perspective on her recovery and lifestyle choices.Here's what to listen for in this episode:-What role Alex plays in Emily's recovery-His reaction to her decision to stop drinking-Whether or not he still drinks-His perspective on what life looked like then vs. nowThe stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Feb 15, 2022
33 min

In this episode, the host, Emily Chandler describes how she went from triggered by a stranger on the internet to inspired to take back control of her life. She will go into detail about what enabled her decision to start living an alcohol free life and what her very early days in sobriety looked like.The stories she shares are intended to bring awareness to a subject our society tends to shy away from. They are shared in a heartfelt way with the hope to comfort those who may feel alone in their own struggles.You will leave the episode feeling comforted that you're not alone and encouraged. Emily uses her gifts of storytelling, sensitivity, and vulnerability to bring light to a subject that has primarily been kept in the dark.How to get in touch!Instagram: southern_social_sober https://www.instagram.com/southern_social_sober/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emily.chandler.585/Please feel free to contact the show to leave a comment, submit feedback, or even just to say hi by emailing at [email protected] or visiting southernsocialandstillsober.com.You can also find a transcribed version of today's episode under the podcast tab on the website.If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review! Your review will help bring awareness to this podcast, so it is very much appreciated.*Emily Chandler is not a licensed therapist and all opinions are her own. This is not an advice podcast. It is a platform to share stories of addiction and recovery to raise awareness. If you are in need of help in your addiction or sobriety, contact a licensed professional.https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helplinehttps://alcoholicsanonymous.com/https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helplinehttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/
Feb 8, 2022
26 min
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