Sounds Like Home Podcast

Sounds Like Home

David Owen Morgan
Starting this sound diary as we start this new chapter for our family. New baby brother Felix Florian (two days old) and Pip Whistler (two and a half) finding new sounds with painter Mum and lifelong bedroom musician Dad. Maybe finishing that album I've been working on for five years isn't the point after all, but this process of growing a family and capturing those feels in sound and music is the thing worth sharing.
“I had a coffee somewhere”
First morning home with new baby Felix. Pip's working out his new Duplo airplane set that “Felix gave him” while Dad works through chord shapes over slightly stirring two day old babe. Mum takes a shower. Felt piano progression.
Feb 15, 2020
3 min
Sounds Like Home (Trailer)
Dec 11, 2019
37 sec