Sound and Substance - Songwriting and Music Production Podcast
Sound and Substance - Songwriting and Music Production
Interviews and inspiration for independent artists and producers who want to improve their music career.
26: Adam McCants on Licensing - episode of Sound and Substance - Songwriting and Music Production podcast

26: Adam McCants on Licensing

22 minutes Posted Jan 24, 2015 at 6:49 pm.
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Adam McCants is a licensing rep from The Music Bed, a licensing company with a national presence, garnering over 2 million views per month.

Adam and I chat about...

-What The Music Bed (TMB) is looking for from artists

-What kind of artists TMB selects

-How to improve your chances of getting syncs

-What kind of music is "syncable"

-How frequently artists can expect to get synced and the dollar range of monthly earnings their artists can earn

-How to submit music to The Music Bed