Something Positive for Positive People
Something Positive for Positive People
Courtney Brame
SPFPP Episode 161: The Common Untold Story of a Couple Diagnosed with Herpes
1 seconds Posted Dec 10, 2020 at 10:00 pm.
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Dee was diagnosed with herpes 5 years ago 2 weeks after her then boyfriend now husband had his first symptoms. We don't hear stories that touch on how to navigate staying together after a positive diagnosis occurs in an exclusive/committed/monogamous (whichever you choose to call it, relationship.
Herpes is extremely common. This untold story is the first of its kind shared here, but it does happen. Most people's struggles with their diagnosis initially revolves around not finding a partner. Other stories shared, the relationship ended and then someone got herpes or there wasn't a relationship to begin with.
This is Dee's first time discussing this outside of sharing her experience with her partner, her Doula, her doctor, sister and mother, so I didn't go too deep into her experiences but you get a good feel for where she is with her status as this reflects the experiences of people in relationships where someone tests positive. It just doesn't have to come up.
Two people who had an existing relationship prior to it being sexual were diagnosed with herpes. They got treatment, they continued the relationship and now have a family.
We hear what herpes has taken away from us, we hear about the silver lining in what it gave us, but what if we understand that it just happens? Nothing was lost or gained in regards to their relationship. Dee just couldn't deliver a natural birth because of an outbreak.
How has your life remained the same after your herpes diagnosis? What forced changes have you been making attempts at due to this virus?