Something Positive for Positive People
Something Positive for Positive People
Courtney Brame
SPFPP Episode 156: Avoidance isn't Letting Go
1 seconds Posted Nov 5, 2020 at 10:00 pm.
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The action of keeping away from or not doing something is avoidance. Letting go is a willingness to accept what is.
I want to relate this to discordant relationships where one person has herpes and the other doesn't. Far too often we hear about rejections and "successful" disclosures (and ya'll know how I feel about that). But what about post-disclosure?
In this episode we take expectation setting and tie in the conversation from episode 154 about being WITH vs BEING with someone. It's about our boundaries, expectation setting and anchoring in our values.
I'm writing this before recording with the intention of staying on topic but we will likely end up with a tangent lol. Nah I kid I kid . . . I have my notes to keep me on track.
As I hit submit and finalize these notes after having recorded, yeah I ended up making some pretty solid other points as well haha.
Adding to this after release . . . I got some good feedback on the overall episode even though I feel it could've been 2 separate episodes. Thanks for rocking with me ya'll.