Welcome back to So Called Adult! In this episode, Hailey will be doing her first solo podcast. Learn 50 facts about Hailey that you may have not known before!
Be sure to follow their Instagram @Socalledadultpodcast to keep up with the girls and receive exclusive content!
Jun 24, 2020
29 min
Welcome back to So Called Adult! In this episode, learn how Kendyl and Hailey dealt with the transitions of high school. From moving schools to cliques and drama, there is a lot you will learn. Hope you enjoyed their second episode. Keep a lookout for more every Wednesday!
Be sure to follow their Instagram @Socalledadultpodcast to keep up with the girls and receive exclusive content
Jun 17, 2020
1 hr 6 min
Welcome to So Called Adult! In this episode, meet your hosts Kendyl and Hailey, and learn about how they meet, who they are, and why they decided to start this podcast. They are super excited to share their life with you every week!
Be sure to follow our Instagram @socalledadultpodcast to keep up with the girls and receive exclusive content.
Jun 12, 2020
1 hr 1 min