Tonight, we’ll read the fifth chapter to “Anne of Green Gables” the classic 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This chapter is titled “Anne’s History”
Written for all ages, this book recounts the adventures of an eleven year old orphan named Anne Shirley on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In the last episode, Anne relishes the picturesque beauty of Green Gables, even while bracing herself for the painful reality of being taken away from it later that same day. Matthew lets Marilla know that he is going to hire a farm boy to help him for the summer, implying that they don’t technically need to return the orphan girl for a boy. Marilla sets off to visit Mrs. Spencer with Anne to figure out how the mistake could have happened.
— read by N —
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Jul 14, 2023
23 min

Tonight, we’ll read the fourth chapter to “Anne of Green Gables” the classic 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This chapter is titled “Morning at Green Gables.”
Written for all ages, this book recounts the adventures of an eleven year old orphan named Anne Shirley on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In the last episode, we learn that Marilla, unlike her brother Matthew, does not shrink from voicing her surprise upon seeing a girl orphan, instead of a boy, at her front door. As the Cuthberts talk about Mrs. Spencer’s mistake, Anne realizes she is not wanted.
— read by N —
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Jun 16, 2023
25 min

Tonight, we’ll read the third chapter to “Anne of Green Gables” the classic 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This chapter is titled “Marilla Cuthbert is Surprised.”
Written for all ages, this book recounts the adventures of an eleven year old orphan named Anne Shirley on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In the last episode, we learn that all women scare timid Matthew, except for his sister Marilla, and his neighbor Mrs. Rachel. He rides his horse and buggy to the train station to pick up the orphan boy that turns out to be a talkative girl. Instead of insisting that she turn back around due to the mistake, he chooses to let her ride all the way home, and let the more assertive Marilla give the bad news.
— read by N —
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May 19, 2023
24 min

Tonight, we’ll read the second chapter to “Anne of Green Gables” the classic 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This chapter is titled “Matthew Cuthbert is Surprised.”
Written for all ages, it recounts the adventures of an eleven-year-old orphan named Anne Shirley on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In the first episode, we meet busybody Rachel, who checks in on Marilla Cuthbert. They live in a small town on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Marilla lives on her farm with her brother Matthew, and they are both growing older. They decided to adopt an orphan boy, which shocks Rachel. Rachel tries to frighten Marilla with terrible orphan stories from the news, but Marilla has a cooler head. Also, she reasons, at least the orphan isn’t going to be a girl.
— read by N —
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Apr 22, 2023
39 min

Tonight, we’ll read the opening to “Anne of Green Gables” the classic 1908 novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Written for all ages, it recounts the adventures of an eleven year old orphan named Anne Shirley on Prince Edward Island, Canada.
The novel recounts how Anne makes her way through life with two middle-aged siblings, the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town.
— read by N —
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Mar 24, 2023
27 min