We’re back! Whether it’s taking a stroll down a new street or boarding your first flight to a foreign country, change can be daunting. Breaking comfort can feel wrong and quite frankly uber scary. But… it can also lead to so much positive change, thought provoking growth and understanding of others.
Today we are going to delve into the topic of travel and how it alters our perception of time, well-being, and people we hang out with. No need for your passport for this one - sit back, relax, and tune in :)
Mar 24, 2023
40 min

As we grow up we change the way we think, act, process information, approach relationships, view ourselves and look at others. What becomes simpler and what stays complex as we age? Can we ever reach a point of “triumph” and master gaining a perfect mindset ?
Feb 2, 2023
2 hr 3 min

Friends come and go. Some stay around forever, some for a season, and many people just grow apart. Location, experiences, culture, common goals, other relationships, competition and age all play a major role in our lives. Who are you letting in your “orbit”?
Jan 21, 2023
1 hr 30 min

We all know what it’s like for someone to have the upper hand. Power dynamics in relationships are constantly shifting among romantic partners through risk taking and reward. Is the ball in your court? And are we ever able to keep it there ?
Dec 30, 2022
49 min

coming home for the holidays can be….. overwhelming, exciting, tricky. Seeing family, embracing holiday cheer, finally receiving ‘down-time’ can emerge feelings of guilt and can honestly feel weird as we get older. Today we will chat about our approach to entering the holiday season and how it has changed in our lives over time.
Dec 17, 2022
1 hr 36 min

Wellness culture is something we are completely surrounded by at all times. But how much of wellness culture is actually doing us good? Is there a way in which wellness is perceived in a negative light and actually doing more harm than good?
Dec 9, 2022
39 min

Every year the holiday season brings on memories, traditions and celebration. But it also begs the question, is the chapter closing or just beginning. Cheers to the holidays and all that comes with it!
Dec 2, 2022
35 min

Confidence.. that loaded noun that everyone seemingly strives for. Where does confidence actually stem from? is it something we inherit or learn? This episode will dive into some of our personal stories and beliefs surrounding the concept of confidence and understand how it can be obtained.
Nov 18, 2022
24 min

There are few things more difficult than opening up to others, especially sides of ourselves that aren’t “tough and desirable.” Why do we block our emotions from others as a form of protection? Are we even emotionally connected to ourselves?
Nov 4, 2022
45 min

Socializing, both platonically and romantically outside of our busy lives can add an element of complexity. Are we just doing it for the plot? Are we doing it for ourselves? Tune in to explore the different ways we view dating, risks and uncomfortable social encounters.
Oct 28, 2022
45 min
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