Small Business with Steve Strauss Podcast
Small Business with Steve Strauss
Steve Strauss
How to Create Small Business Facebook Ads - Part One - episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss podcast

How to Create Small Business Facebook Ads - Part One

19 minutes Posted Aug 8, 2019 at 4:00 pm.
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On part one of a two-part episode, we cover how to create Small Business Facebook Ads. They can be so valuable, but what are the best tactics to go about? We'll let you know.

In our feature, Steve gives a little bit of history on how search engines really came about. 

In our interview, Steve speaks with Andrew Molz. Andrew has been featured by Facebook itself, as an exemplary example of a great manager and creator of ads. He is truly an expert in his field and you won't want to miss this invaluable advice for your Small Business.