Small Business with Steve Strauss Podcast
Small Business with Steve Strauss
Steve Strauss
It's a Small Digital World After All - episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss podcast

It's a Small Digital World After All

16 minutes Posted Oct 20, 2018 at 8:00 pm.
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In this episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss, Steve discusses the incredible opportunities that are available online. This is the time of the 'Gig' economy and freelancers are thriving, with the ability to connect with many different clients. It's a small digital world, after all!

First, Steve provides nine different ways and sites that you can go to now for some great opportunities. Whether you're a business looking for a quick project, or you are a freelancer looking for a quick gig, you'll find what you're looking for through Steve's suggest sites.

Then we are joined by Eric from Xinja. Xinja is an Australian-based company, that is looking to change the way you look at money and do banking. Eric is a great example of how you can take a passion and turn it into a great business.