Small Business with Steve Strauss Podcast
Small Business with Steve Strauss
Steve Strauss
Ware2Go just made e-commerce a whole lot easier for business - episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss podcast

Ware2Go just made e-commerce a whole lot easier for business

21 minutes Posted Sep 20, 2018 at 1:00 pm.
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E-commerce is great for business, but it also has its challenges. In this episode of Small Business with Steve Strauss, Steve introduces you to Ware2Go from UPS. Ware2Go is an amazing company and product that matches empty warehouse space with business needs. Get warehouse space in a different part of the country and 2-day shipping just got a whole lot easier!   First, Steve explains what Ware2Go is and why he is so excited about it, and then he speaks with Leo Schafer of PR Diamond Products about Leo's experience using Ware2Go. Ware2Go is changing the e-commerce game for B2B commerce, and we bet it can do the same for you.