Sinclair- Emergence Podcast Podcast
Sinclair- Emergence Podcast
Cultivating Connection with Spirit: Using Essential Oils and Tarot to Turn Up the Volume on Your Inner Wisdom - episode of Sinclair- Emergence Podcast podcast

Cultivating Connection with Spirit: Using Essential Oils and Tarot to Turn Up the Volume on Your Inner Wisdom

22 minutes Posted Feb 29, 2020 at 2:05 am.
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Listen and learn about the simplest ways to connect with your inner wisdom- to connect with a greater power. If you're tired of looking outside of yourself and feeling powerless, maybe it's time to turn inside for the guidance and voice you can trust. I'll share my basic practice including a script for starting your spiritual practice....

In a world where we are too busy to breathe and taking a moment- when  prompted feels.... welp, annoying. In a world where we over schedule and  race to keep up, to cart our children off to the practices of every  kind, we work our regular job, side hustle and attempt to also clean the  toilets. In a world of uncertainty- where we question and even fear the  anger in our leadership, see civil unrest in our neighbors, and seek to  protect our loved ones from the soul crushing meanness that exists between the bus stop and the schoolyard- we so quickly lose hope in anything beyond ourselves.

What if we stopped looking outside for things to suddenly changed and  started looking within? What if when we are most afraid, we turn up the  volume on our inner voice, our inner wisdom? We tell our children, trust  your heart, follow your compass. How do you cultivate your own?  Wouldn't the world be just a little bit more patient, more open and  kinder, if we each took responsibility for our own energy and tuned into  our own inner map for guidance?

Developing a connection with  your inner wisdom requires no church, no fancy ritual, no anointed book  of rules. You can tap into what you know to be true and allow the  messages to surface and guide you from the comfort of your living room  or the log that sits beside the creak out back.  In my latest blog post,  I share with you the simple process I use for tapping into my inner  wisdom. I have many practices, but in this particular post, you can see  how I use my essential oils to enhance my Good Tarot readings.

Think of the cards as a prompt- a way to twist the dial on my inner  radio station to the right. What we feed grows, some simple steps to  grow your inner store of optimism and your grounded sense of self can be  as simple as a 5 minute meditation or consulting the Good Tarot.

Aren't you just a little bit curious? Come on, admit it. What rituals bring you moments of inner peace and expansion?

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