IVM Podcasts
Ep. 166: We see, you see, we all CES 2020
58 minutes Posted Feb 2, 2020 at 11:27 pm.
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The world's largest consumer electronics show of the year happened in early Jan, and it clearly took the gang some time to wrap their head around everything that happened in Las Vegas. From new gadgets to new tech and trends, the boys talk about it all. From potentially planet-saving tech like plant-based meat, to, er, a robot that delivers you toilet paper - it's all here. We also make many bad puns, but that's par for the course, innit?

This is also our first actual episode with Tony as an official 4th co-host!

Meet your hosts aka The Ultracrepidarians!
Chuck | Naren | Srikeit | Tony
Instagram: @chuckofalltrades | @shenoynv | @srikeit | @notytony
Twitter: @chuck_gopal | @shenoyn | @srikeit | @notytony

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Simblified is:
An Indian podcast that takes things that happen around us and deconstructs them in a manner you can understand and impress your colleagues, next interviewer, date or cat. Run by four folks seeking a return to the "good ol' days of Twitter" - Chuck, Naren, Srikeit & Tony, Simblified has the guarantee of "if we can understand it, you can!" and proceeds to look at everything from technology to politics to weird phenomena to questions you never knew you wanted to be answered. Along the way, you'll hear lots of bad jokes, facts, PG Wodehouse references, and more bad jokes. Hopefully, you'll have a laugh too! The four hosts pride themselves on being ultracrepidarians.

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