Shopify Masters
Shopify Masters
Disrupting a Stagnant Market through Self Funding
1 hour 11 minutes Posted Oct 14, 2019 at 9:30 pm.
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Josh Elizetxe has been a serial entrepreneur ever since he was a teenager. Having a knack for building websites, SEO, and managing ad dollars, Josh managed sites for an array of businesses when he was still in school. Despite the early success, it wasn't until Josh befriended his dentists through multiple braces treatments and jaw surgery that he found his calling. 

Josh was intrigued by the dental industry and invested his own savings to research an at-home whitening system to disrupt the stagnant market by starting Snow Teeth Whitening

In this episode of Shopify Masters, you'll hear from Josh Elizetxe of Snow on how he found his interest within the dental industry and why it's important to pace yourself in the entrepreneurship journey. 

For more on Josh Elizetxe, Snow, and the show notes:

Tune in to learn

  • How they’ve stepped up influencer marketing to work with celebrities
  • Why he invested millions of dollars of his own money into his company
  • Why all his retail partners are calling him to stock his product
  • How to think of entrepreneurship as a marathon and not a sprint