Shobdo: An Original Bangla Podcast Podcast

Shobdo: An Original Bangla Podcast

Tanib Imtiaz
Shobdo (শব্দ) is an original Bangla podcast from Bangladesh.
Shambhala(শাম্ভালা) : The Mythical Kingdom
Shambhala is a mythical Buddhist kingdom that is said to exist somewhere between the Himalaya Mountains and the Gobi Desert. In Shambhala, all of the citizens have achieved enlightenment, so it is the embodiment of Tibetan Buddhist perfection. পৌরাণিক কাহিনী অনুসারে শাম্ভালা পৃথিবীর বুকে এমন এক স্থান, যেখানে শুধুমাত্র বিশুদ্ধ আত্মার ব্যক্তিরা বাস করে থাকেন। এটি স্বর্গীয় এক স্থান। For more listen the full episode about Shambhala. 👉 Follow us on 👉 Email: [email protected]
Aug 28, 2021
8 min
Podcast in Bangladesh - Why podcast is the future? An in depth discussion
In this episode I'll discuss about Bangladeshi podcast culture. Why podcast becoming a thing in Bangladesh? Send your feedback/voice message: Email: [email protected] •Facebook:
Oct 25, 2020
12 min