Shifting Paradigms Podcast

Shifting Paradigms

B Michael
Stimulating critical thought in order to realistically redefine our narrative and positively reshape our reality through dialogue with self-determination.
Quarantine Plots
panic demons released; mortality rates increase; sheeps wool fleeced; blood floods streets & the beast system feasts on the weak as teeth filled with bat wings swing at souls like Wuhan markets starved of profits and toxic underhanded pitches from American mounds found beneath fiat bills and behind pizza gates. Wait, something reeks of quarantine plots. Meanwhile flesh rots as the microsoft misinformation lab virus proliferates & the windows to heaven begin to close as the world’s stench fills YaH’s nose & YaH knows the corona will soon be stripped off the head of Caesar only to be given to the pleaders of truth. Blessed be the meek who produce righteous fruit. Astute readers uproot words between fake news soundbites that sound like drowned light found despite murderous intents to tie the noose tight around night strangling any glimmer of right until justice is out of sight so that the underground plight can depopulate and pound mics and pages like Tuskegee experiment chemtrails. The souls in hell inhale lies & Earth is being exhausted. Environments are getting accosted like the frosted faces of porn starlets while the mystery harlot in purple and scarlet spreads her imperial eagle with unspeakable incarnate evil & Frank’s stein designed as golem’s precious poison leaves rings around rosies with pockets full of posies until the world is nothing but ashes & we all fall down.
May 6, 2020
2 min
To Destroy the Works of the Devil
Hebrew Vision News article found at
Feb 19, 2020
15 min
Shifting Paradigms Ep. 1
Maiden voyage of broadcast covering important concepts, definitions and ideas.
Dec 3, 2019
56 min