She Explores
She Explores
Ravel Media
A Few Big Leaps: Becky Marcelliano
44 minutes Posted Jul 24, 2019 at 2:20 am.
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Show notes

Becky Marcelliano shares how she pivoted from working as an art teacher to working her way up to be a marketing manager a marketing manager in the outdoor industry (first Deuter, then Salomon). Her interview is full of tips for breaking into a new industry, but it’s also about her openness in the face of big life changes, living with chronic illness, and an omnipresent passion for lifting women up.

Woman featured in this episode: Becky Marcelliano

Hosted by Gale Straub

Made with support by Aunt Fannie's, Benchmark Maps, Hamama, and ThirdLove

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In this episode, you'll hear

  • Becky's transition from art teacher to marketing manager in the outdoor industry
  • The benefits of dabbling in your interests outside of your current career
  • Advice for making a big career leap
  • What it's like working a desk job in a big outdoor company
  • The stigma of grappling with a mystery illness
  • What Becky's chronic illnesses have taught her about her health
  • Why Becky is passionate about lifting up other women in her work and outdoor life


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Music is by Kai Engel, Lee Rosevere, and Josh Woodward using a creative commons attributions license.