She Explores
She Explores
Ravel Media
Wild & Weightless: Quieting the Voice of Disordered Eating with the Help of the Outdoors
38 minutes Posted May 10, 2017 at 2:06 am.
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Interview with "Wild and Weightless" founder Kristen Ales. We talk about her personal experiences at a young age with binge eating disorder and anorexia, how she's quieted that voice in her head, and how she's driven to help others with eating disorders through wilderness therapy.

Note: This episode mentions eating disorders. And while it's constructive in many ways, depending on your background, this could be triggering. If you are in need of help, call the National Eating Disorder helpline at 1-800-931-2237.

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Music by MindsEye PC-One Soft and Furious Chris Zabriskie Little Glass Men