Sew Taco Podcast
Sew Taco
Gerald & Elena Flores
via Podcasts
Sad to hear you go
I just found you!! (screaming at my phone) Literally, just a few weeks ago and have been binging your show since then. I’m sad to hear you go but I completely understand. Especially hearing it directly from Elena. Just know, you both have a great vibe that brings people in..and that “radio voice”. Listening from Hawaii 👋🏾 Cecy
Cecy ;D
He’s a drama queen
I use to listen to this podcast and liked the concept and the wife but not the husband. He was too much so I stopped listening. I tried to listen again after over a year. I listened to a few episodes. Same thing, husband ruins this podcast for me. “Gerald” is a drama queen and constantly showing how petty and combative he is in his life. In one episode he shared his experience about a food delivery service and how he “trolled” a delivery driver. Grow up dude. I can’t imagine doing business with someone like him. No way. Still like the wife, she should have her own podcast. I actually feel bad that she has to put up with him. You guys asked for reviews, this is an honest one.
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I absolutely love this podcast and I am slowly catching up during my down time at work (whoops) to hear a ALL THE CHISME. As someone who has a business in CCTX, I’ve loved hearing their tips, experience, and stories of how they run theirs compared to mine. We may have different kinds of businesses but we all have the same goal to be a part of the HUSTLE GANG 🙌🏼!!! Also hearing about the downfalls of owning a small side business makes me feel like I’m not alone— it’s hard putting yourself out there and Gerald and Elena have no filter and tell us how it is!!! Their dynamic and banter is also AMAZING and the random sounds of the gatos is *chef’s kiss*!
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What a great dynamic!
Gerald and Elena are an electric mix. The podcast is based on sharing knowledge and experience with others. If you’re a creative, you’ll find a lot of validation and love here.
If you’re a maker, listen up!
Love the energy on this show, it’s so great to hear stories on how these businesses have grown, they share tips, go over struggles, it’s awesome! Thank you for a great show!
Fan for Life!
I was inspired by these two so much so, that I took all there advice and launched my own podcast. Without all their insight from their personal experience, I may have never taken that leap. Thank you Elena and Gerald. Fan for life! 🙌🏼
Papa Ranchera
Such a great combination with these 2. Filled with lots of laughs, information about what’s happening with them and in the community. They keep it real and fun at the same time, which I love! Thanks for being so down to earth, relatable and lovable.
Put in your seat belt Elena
Sew Bonita and Taco Gear combine forces to form the mighty SewTaco. Love y’all!!
Hola biiiiiitches
I love your podcast!!! The interaction, the information & Advice! You guys have inspired me so much!!! I look forward to this podcast every week, keep up the good work!!!
Love Sew Taco
Hola from San Antonio!! I love listening to y’all and I’m probably on my way to setting a world record on podcast binge listening. My husband was Elena’s neighbor while growing up in EP. I didn’t believe him until he showed me an old photo. 😉 Your hard work and dedication to Sew Taco are palpable across social media and your podcast. Congrats on your success!!!
Marianna O
So inspiring!
As a up and coming wanna be side hustler lol I just wanna say this podcast is amazing!! Great for advice, different platforms they share, and they are so genuine and humble.
Love this Podcast!!!!
Elena and Gerald are amazing!!! I love this podcast!!! It’s more than just Two side hustles and a microphone. I’m originally from Corpus and totally relate to them on so many levels. Great Information...Thank you!!!!
A must listen
Amending my review...because this show just keeps getting better! I love the interaction between Gerald and Elena, and the transparency they have with their businesses and their audience. I particularly enjoyed their recent episode “You’re in Control” and Elena’s stylist’s comment that she “needed” to start the salon—it was just something she needed to do. How many of us need to use that attitude instead of the being scared to start? Like Elena and Gerald always say, “just start!”
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This is what I needed in my life. Elena and Gerald, along with all the other awesome creatives speak to a deep place in my heart, thanks so much for all that y’all do!
Just started listening last week...
I kept seeing Taco Gear and Sew Bonita talking about this salsa and I saw the creator of that salsa was on a podcast so I had to give it a listen. Now I’m 4 episodes deep, and I’m really impressed. Keep up the good work guys! I’m planning on trying that Whataburger without bun oil soon.
Caught up in two weeks and now a weekly habit
While I have known Gerald & Elena for years, I wasn’t keen on podcasts until I saw the extensive list of local podcasts a friend had posted one day. I started listening to these two amazing folks who do everything to support their culture and their community through their side hustles (and this is a story of their journey). I caught up on their previous episodes in 2weeks and now make them a part of my weekly ritual.
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Hispanic Pride
Elena and Gerald’s authenticity is what makes this podcast so wonderful. Their love for their culture and their passion for their craft is what keeps me becoming back. New business owners will benefit tremendously from their podcast and their insight. They are a wonderful part of the Corpus Christi community and admired by many. I always look forward to Friday mornings! - Oscar Reyna
I’m finally caught up! I’m a native Houstonian Latina and relate to y’all on so many levels, except my tacos are vegan. As a fan of everything Jennifer Perkins also, I heard y’all on her podcast and have been a new fan of yours too. Not only has my creativity been inspired, but I have learned so much from you and your amazing guests. I’ve been telling everyone I know about your brands and how much fun your podcast is.
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Inspired to hustle
I’ve been an on & off side hustler for a few years now & was thinking about getting back into it when I stumbled across the SewTaco podcast. They are so real & refreshing with their advice, struggles, victories & passion that I’ve been truly inspired to rebrand my side hustle & get back into my creative endeavors! Thank you for your humor & honesty y’all are truly inspiring!!!
Great Content
I love the information that is shared on this podcast. Great for side hustlers!
First time listening to your podcast y me encantó. You really guys make latinos look good and I identify myself sometimes with your stories...I have some of your gear, like hats and shirts (I might be ordering more soon lol) I have a segment on Estrella TV (in LA is channel 62...not sure what channel in Houston) every Tuesday and Thursday called “chismes del taquero” and you can see me most of the time wearing your brand. I love it... Gracias por todo... Cheers from a Colombian that loves tacos
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Juan D Rozo
Great topics from great people
Some people side hustle, then there's Gerald and Elena. I just heard my first episode and really enjoyed it! Gerald and Elena stay true to their roots and hit on some great topics. Love it! -from your new number Juan fan
Inspirational and funny
I’ve been binge listening for the past week or so and all I can say is I love this podcast! Gerald and Elena are so inspirational about getting your side hustle on but their tips and advice are applicable to other aspects of your life. I find myself laughing and smiling while I listen to them. Thank you both for sharing your experiences!
Spicy and Delicious!
If you want to start a side hustle, this podcast will give you useful information and motivation. Elena and Gerald share what they're learning and make you laugh at their real life stories. Clever, courageous,honest! You won't be bored!
Let’s Taco ‘Bout
“Gerald” is the opposite of condescending! Love this podcast! Funny, witty, and tacolicious! ❤️🌮
Love & Positivity
Love these two. Sharing their successes and providing advise to those who desire to do their own thing. Great listen. Fun and informative.
Y’all are great! Binged while I worked hours on end this week. Mine’s not a side hustle (hello full time) and gets so mundane at times, but your energy helped get me through this week! 🙌🏻
Real and refreshing
This is such a breath of fresh air. This podcast is open and honest (real) from the lives of two awesome brands / side hustlers. I love listening every week and hearing their funny stories, tips and challenges. Keep it up guys!
Great advice for side business owners
We love Gerald and Elena. This is a great, informative pod for anyone that is trying to learn the intricacies of owning a side business! Super helpful info.
Sew Taco brings the Guacamole
The Sew Taco podcast has been great to listen too. Great information and the real life husband and wife banter and conversations makes it entertaining as well as informative. The podcast is the guacamole on top of their great products they offer.
Good advice especially for those starting their side hustle
I especially enjoy this podcast since it provides very good advice for side hustlers who are just starting off as well as good ideas for those of us who are a already on our way. I feel many would be side hustlers get discouraged when hearing very high level or advanced advice that may not apply to beginners. This podcast is a perfect way to help you take the first few steps on the road to entrepreneurship.
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El Padrote de los padrotes
Who's at the Door
I was lucky enough to meet Gerald and Elena this summer. They were so kind and giving with all of their knowledge. Even in person they are THAT passionate about wanting other people to succeed. I left pumped up and ready to expand my crafty horizons. Life got in the way. Today (months later) listening to Who's at the Door I felt those pumped up feelings all over again. I tell people over and over to 'just do it' when it comes to their business ideas and I was doing the exact opposite with my side hustle of art and my day dream of a podcast. In the 54 minutes it took me to listen to this episode I just bought 3 domains (including JenniferPerkinsArt), signed up for Shopify (no more Etsy keeping my email addresses) and signed up for an Anchor account. Just as Elena says at the end of the episode (full disclosure I love all things woo-woo) "everything will come at the right time when it's ready for the universe to give it to you". I think the universe gave me this episode today. Thanks guys looking forward to listening to more! Now I need you to be guests on the Creative Queso podcast.
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Creative Queso
Keep the episodes coming!
I have really learned a lot by listening to them! I think it’s very nice of them to share their knowledge and help out others that are just starting. Thank you!
Love the show
I just started a side hustle based off Instagram as well and these guys have been mentors to say the least just by listening to their podcasts. Keep at it guys we need new episodes!
Latinxs on the Rise!
Elena & grateful I found your podcast & now I am binging on it all day! Candid advice on starting a side hustle is exactly what I need right now. Your authenticity comes through in your Sew Bonita & Taco Gear brands. Mil gracias for being abundance believers!
Give it a Listen!!!
This is definitely one of my TOP podcasts to listen to! Thanks “Sew Taco” for such great insight and tips for small businesses! Looking forward for more!
Chignon Royalty 😬
Never really been in to podcast’s yet alone reading 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️..super informative even for folks who have been side hustling and working from home over eight years! 🙈 pretty cool to know @sewbonita is from eagle pass, Black Rox city boy 🙋🏻‍♂️(piedras negras) keep rocking🤘🏼
Great listen for any creative
If you are a creative of any kind you should listen to this podcast. Most of us are comfortable in our crafts but get lost in the business side of things. Great podcast talking through some of the joys and pitfalls of owning and running a brand or small business.
You two are amazing! The Food and Creativity in every culture makes family tighter, friends stronger, and makes us invest in ourselves in a way that provides value to to ones we love. Thank you two!
Bad Spanish
Keep up the good work
This is great, I also got a mention for my IG page! Gerald and Elena are awesome people that love what they do. They have wonderful chemistry and this podcast is an easy listen and fun.
Such a great podcast! Loved the first episode. I really like that the business side of sewing and entrepreneurship is discussed! These two are really inspiring :)
Informative, Entertaining, and Inspiring
I've been following both these brands bud, blossom, and flourish from the beginning. It is nice to here their stories firsthand from the creative minds behind them. Congrats to Geral and Elena on what I am sure will be another successful project for them both.
Lunaversal Comedy
Authentic and personable
One episode in and I’m already subscribed and can’t wait for the episodes to come! As a designer I love that this gives me insight from a business standpoint as well as advice on getting your brand out there. I feel like I’m listening to an old buddy who really believes in me and wants to see me thrive lol. I love hearing the stories and trials and tribulations of both Taco Gear and Sew Bonita, especially as a latinx from TX. Keep on doing what you’re doing!
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Glued since minute one!
Perfect for every aspiring business entrepreneur! Can’t wait for next episode!
Delphi Alvizo
Tacos? Sign me up
Thank you for the insight, I look forward to future episodes ✊🏽🇲🇽
Sew Taco Taking Off!!!
Awesome brands you guys started. Thanks for sharing your life experiences and the inspiration for starting these brands.
More Tacos
Such an inspiration!
Gerald and Elena have built two successful side-hustles, and it’s so awesome and inspirational to hear their honest and open stories. Their “nuggets of knowledge” are invaluable! Keep on keepin’ on!
Coral Dwk
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