Episode 32
Topics include:
–[Name redacted] and [Name redacted]
–Media responsibilities
Follow these links for some context:
–Among many other things, Jello Biafra was the outspoken singer of the Dead Kennedys Click here to read bits from Jello’s biography from his label’s website. The events surrounding the raiding of his house are outlined under the 1986 entries.
The alternate title of the Geiger piece is “Work 219: Landscape XX,” which is the mildly unsuspecting name that Dylan was thinking of. We wouldn’t be able to link you to it if Tipper Gore had her way, but fortunately the artists that endured lengthy legal battles against censorship won (kind of), so click here to read the Wikipedia page for “Penis Landscape” or Work 219: Landscape XX.”
–Click the following links to watch Jello Biafra on Oprah in 1986.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
–Click here to read about Tipper Gore’s crusade against “porn rock.”
–Click here to for the PMRC Wikipedia page.
–Click here to see H.R. Geiger’s concept art for the Alien franchise.
–Click here to watch Dee Snider’s PMRC senate hearing. As Bill said, it is great.
–Bill was right! In 2002, there was a guy who planted 18 bombs in 5 states to make a smiley face. It appears as though the bombs were real and he assumed people would be injured when they detonated. What a jerk. Click here to read a forum discussion about the story.
–Click here to see a YouTube mix of the comedian Bill mentioned, Paul Mooney
–Did you miss Episode 14 when Dylan talks about human life transforming into a currency? It’s a fun episode, but it gets heavy at times. Click here to revisit Episode 14: “Serving Ice and the Jar of Memories.”
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what I’ll will hang nothing is donated. you are literally not say anything he is not the nails headline that now power that the melting down. now they need attention. it was because he had HUD’s another major battles killed were actually gets famous that I met Bakley when it clearly needs attention now I know is that the authorities had like miles ago. so what Satan, yet I will be popular. I have not. I’m nervous with these great sitting here in front of me. one, I get nervous around fruit. sometimes now and I realize that’s weird. if you are a friend of mine, I will find out at their house. I asked him not to buy bananas to be an avid banana eater, but I read the stories online that I thought were fake about why God like Arabian desert spiders hiding in fruit yet and they were fake. what now, although the bill. I’m handled the recruit militia from him. this is from the garden the other you and hundred are elevated and yet he has writers and model of your garden you have a story for years later, the other cheesier. we have felt it really melted cheese. time now. now I was a sobering. class lives used right now settled for three out now on intimate sense I get it. dad is making easy because there is just one story about a bunch of little teeny baby spiders. it just looked like moving specs on the thing here. I’m thinking in a notice moving specs, not like what the father, and they were like really horribly poisonous spiders that pair is that record like right in the trash boy that sure doesn’t than they had your house fumigated better get accumulated in my favorite two five, but you know, I mean like terrifying. you, but you wouldn’t if it were you, you wouldn’t have if you did, because note be killing innocent life right. how about that is terrifying spiders, especially if they’re not enough ‘s enough yet are not of the natural habitat rack picture it like talking aliens you like I leave for the day and go to work and then I come home and my wife is hanging in the code and she’s like, held me and I’m like him to down from the aliens in our rep. mark the face of yours, Gautam on face. there is, it wasn’t really thinking whether they disliked plaster them technically a plastic trim down plastic inhaling talking mucus. yes, here are Geiger, I would have died are paying us immediately of the Geiger counter now on HR Geiger earlier. it’s actually pronounced eager. I found that out when we went to live my life does, which yet I don’t amazed that now has you as a moment which will be thinking me. he probably rolled with it. is it everybody was like Geiger, GR, GER, that’s clear. that’s how you pronounce it… what if you’re from Germany just get with the times. as you pronounce liger and Tiger job rest in peace. yes, a journey or what a great year and what a crazy talking experience. it must’ve been to be a room without him for like twenty seconds. it didn’t do a lot of drugs. I try, I can only speculate. I assume I will read more on his thought process and is our process, you realize how big his actual art pieces work they were talking a huge heated gigantic fountain like bigger than this wall. a lot of his paintings word as my ten foot by twenty foot or leg one at like ten by Ken Moore ten by eight or whenever dad ever see picture him or my friends have an art book that was on his ship and it had pictures of some of the good sculptures that he did as well, which were always talking cool, but the photograph of him working on a piece, and he standing working on this world. honeybees would like a paintbrush, you get a lot of air. air ‘s difficult aerosol knowledge– not a aggression are young yet he worked a lot with airbrush– Atlantic County farm like doing people ‘s hassles like I would send what you write. you she got the leasing of the dead Kennedys ‘s house rated really get her to death. I did not. he didn’t call in the Ravenhill right CI, although he did a piece and they used it as a poster in acting as fresh fruit for rotting vegetables, Jonathan, what the piece was called the editor had an unsuspecting name, but there is penises going into the darkness only and Tipper Gore threw a fit and she would she do, and his house was raided. why wasn’t there. his apartment and getting a course for Sonny Curtis is not clear what distributing material, it might’ve been penis landscape. all that’s really what it is. yes, I’m suspecting him around at all the woman is a medically good so that thirty zero yes it okay this way. well here yet that’s what it is, as always, moderate, yet it appears Lancia, Justin Gatlin has been associate that is very of the other things you can imagine before. even like leaving out an album and record Rena ‘s house because of the yet that the sound legal note, but you forget that we’re talking about the seventies and eighties where people thought that this would make you murder people. there’s footage of him on a talk show with Opera and he’s talking about. I guess free speech and stuff use of argument, eager to Jell-O okay yeah you jealous or can go there. but yeah, that was before the time you put friendly advisory Odyssey. I don’t think that that’s specifically, his wife, but I never had a huge gash in those part of that movement is electrical, my God, the band same as the dead Kennedys, which is probably tasteless, although they were forking awesome. there him on the seventies seventy three Irving was when this album will be R-rated insanity away way way way well, it was eighty five. but he created the piece and seventy three and seventy three F the delay is a late seventies, early going on your band. the following twin towers on the network and seventy two no no no. sixty yeah because he lived to see the millennia, which was sixty nine yeah and the dead Kennedys were pretty once a left-leaning Satan really lean any which way, but they’re pretty liberal. that’s weird, but you have a freak out of another language. this band ‘s name and I does forget that stuff happened. I usually never see that today I’m not alone version of it. the different version of the ones you like the government reading someone’s house because they put thou will now have vaginas and penises on Wednesday that it has wiretapping out and got it other than.. two thousand, exactly, exactly. you know I used IE will you have a list of the Rockefeller I hope not because I’m going to Jail; bombing two things you go on YouTube and watch the full congressional hearings, PPM, RC versus rock ‘n roll M RC was a parents music resource Center on. they were treated by Tipper Gore, Al Gore ‘s life, which I thought he would. I like this is helpful in cool our house more. Al Gore was he made me forget that he was married to a fashion that, yes, yes yeah, because when when when he was one of the senators on that check when I eat lost. I was like oh man, I’m likely to me as a guide to emphasize exactly on the shade. basically, she started beyond what I asked if it was like the religious right got together along with these people who just basically want to control people ‘s lives, and they started having these hearings regarding the content of rock ‘n roll music and you can go onto YouTube, and please put a link into this with Dee Snider of Twisted Sister on the YouTube copy dude, he comes in any stressed in his rock ‘n roll attire right and everybody’s expecting the look like a falcon idiot and he pulls this piece of paper. I like a couple of pieces of paper that are all folded up and stuff out of his back pocket and it’s one of the fourteen best speeches ever given in front of Congress and toss itself talking like the Army like he’s a thought and singer and a lyricist, he writes poetry and expecting him did not have like an awesome speech would be stupid where the they were trying to tell him what the song is about. yeah, okay, there was a song called under the knife which way it’s you know, basically like a single layer to like about being strapped down and down being a and you know the sliced open and in all the stock. the song was about his writing… drummer getting surgery and he would had come to desire and was like, listen them really bugged out about the ship in on nervous under the under sedation, the ribbon-cutting at me. you know, I don’t work surgeries a huge fear for a lot of people here and so you wrote a song about it and they call it sadomasochistic. they call their twisted view three Federalist gap exhibit. it was like holy federal history. yeah, because there was a lot like sexual innuendo which none of it was with all one hundred percent like about you read the lyrics, keeping in mind that it’s from a patient’s aspect up undergoing surgery one hundred percent fit. but of course it’s rock ‘n roll, and you know, like they have to like venting a little poetic license stop on the another like John Denver. one of the most wholesome goods in the world protested alike. he spoke on behalf of the musician is awesome, yet again. John Denver– exactly Frank Zappa was also awesome on there. there were some people who really stood up for the rights of musicians, you know an artist in general, because what was at stake was they were going to tell like hell and rock ‘n roll, or any musician, and then it moves on to like art, any form of art. this is what you can say now that this is what you’re allowed to write a half and that medium that they finally came to was putting the problem by three stickers on the records and tapes and CDs that yeah that was there like, well, and we want because now we got has black and white sticker that tells parents Association of learned that in college, and probably dead. yeah, I just forgot as it was almost ten years ago now interesting side note though nothing is a five is in yeah. interesting side note on that, by the way, Frank Zappa put out an album that was one hundred percent instrumental and it got a printout of all times yesterday put a know-how yet that much about, but it has altered or was out, he involuntarily jots it be like now. really. yeah, they labeled his tape with the parental guide three explicit lyrics and there were no lyrics that they were talking him over because that was written oh. where seer, saying they were like yeah your to talk to you your you to run your mouth, exactly, will hamper your next hour and also sends a link that’s how much you talk with and I think I get you back some out there is to say that was voluntary. if you would like that we will stand together to my story writer. this advisory, but you guys got your mind though that was a time where a sticker like that. that would actually stop people from buying the records yet totally, and get down on them. there’s a lot of weird history when it comes to entertainment, being persecuted that she he should be introduced first, correctly, this is the topic… yes okay one days. first we had went back on that yet gone welcome to survey has not asked him to fill in handle and right go] look at verse a lot of the dirt that on that time was an interesting time. I mean like if you think about one of the biggest examples of a hot, especially in the early nineties was Ice-T ‘s band body Count when a ruckus on popular the guys from there that’s on at all on that now. I’ll is not the song is basically it’s from the perspective of a of of young disenfranchised youth, I guess who is a straight up gangster and the idea like to look up lyrics for Coppola, real quick because I feel like there is a very important piece of the puzzle he had how weird is it that Ice-T is now family-friendly movie maker signifies you man. although Steve, yes, both of them does scare that weird feel like you’re the one who grew up with those guys right. that’s so weird on it’s it’s it’s very weird to me. I still like ice cube, a whole bunch and I still like iced tea of a bunch of a people forget that Ice-T actually was a panel, you know, like that was his job. there are very few robbers who were actual gangsters. he was one of them easy. he was one of them are not a hundred percent sure. I feel like ice cube was no tray wasn’t Wolseley replaced the plate is in the timekeeper, yet users and not. and like he worked really great with Public enemy because of how straightahead Chuck D and you have the wildcard in him. he’s just talking crazy, but they weren’t extra public on either more activists than the anyway back to talk to the chorus is I’m a cop killer, better you than me. top killer talk police brutality cop killer. I know your family ‘s grief and talk on cop killer, but tonight we get even the whole idea of this song, and like a you get to the second verse, where he says, my adrenaline slump in this area bump it about killed me. something uptake study for nothing. the idea wasn’t necessarily that they’re going out and just killing cops. it was a retaliation for being a young black guy you that cops constantly like people don’t maybe people don’t realize this. I’m sure they have to by now if you’re black, you get pulled over all the talking time you’re searched all the fun time. your start date. this often principal should is nothing but racism. if you Google the somewhat of an intelligent person a look at the statistics you know that black people are persecuted in America. it’s just the way it is and to tell an artist who may or may not have dealt with this news creating music that is marketed to youths who may or may not be dealing with this to be like no you’d like the zero nine ‘s and right yeah and like not saying that the idea is right or wrong, but you know you want to get some a some sort of sense of justice or you don’t power and you write a song like ocular words like, you know, right or wrong, they fought with us all the time and were to get even right now is a better way to get rid of the frustration will think about Arkansas and as opposed to going and doing it here now and a lot of people don’t realize that a big part of art is getting frustrations out listening to things where you hear like-minded individuals feeling the way you do and you therefore feeling that you’re not alone. Nancy don’t go on talking you know, kill a bunch of kids or cops or insert humans. here you think the artist have a certain sense of responsibility to not inspire such things, not at all now know there’s no such thing. you’re either a sick fark was going tell people you’re not the other. there is a clucks who are triggered. I think triggered by such obscene lyrics, no, I think that that’s always Bolshevik. I think that’s always alternate. I don’t think that songs or music. well, when a rephrase that. I don’t think that music or movies or video games or any sort of media creates violence. I think that you would agree the media reporting on violent behaviors can inspire some sort of Mickey Mallory pole shed nine but if you think that way. he got up with the same responsibility on entertainment venue because even before there was entertainment. there was murder. now, but if you are saying that the media inspires and you have to say the same thing about other foreigners have now. not that he is just about that sends ideality, I don’t get what they want because the media reports, it is rock ‘n roll musicians wrote a song that had every serial killer ‘s name in it, and then like every time there is a new serial murder, they wrote a new song and released it and it was a worldwide hit that you could listen to on CNN. the allegory for like being on the news forty four seven like because that’s the way this is your name in print ever reason, now that you were the one who did it. I think there is a same problem in America. I think the people want to Janice, regardless of what its floor. I disagree, but that is such a good fight.” I think this same problem in America. that’s surging you soon. thank you there on what you deserve it other just the box. yeah, weird, and violence. no matter what, so they want to be fit non- talking about. there are six bucks, but there also the people who do it just for the faint of his thoughts that Marilyn Manson was one CNN report away from not being a singer and you know needs to sacrifice people in Wisconsin had an average removed so they could be Paul Revere ‘s cousin and I will talk about that bug and brilliant that it isn’t. I got there I disagree. I nothing is false, but I’m saying. I’ve heard that statement before I can’t wrap my brain around someone mistaking people reporting on something terrible and saying this is a tragedy to saying I want to be famous in that way. and maybe that’s a good thing I can remember in, but I I just I can offer them before their people. the admitted to it, yet they are disturbed individuals are sure, absolutely. but with Justin sentenced. I see we going with that statement. I think that’s different from what doesn’t say that I’m not dozens because there is a glut of the way I enter really saying is, if you’re giving a killing if you’re getting a deplorable act more visibility via and Nvidia games, movies or television or news or literature, then it’s the same visibility across the board right after you send in the physical runs and that it’s a different form of visibility, but the children and if you’re going to put some current responsibility, not force off the responsibility on one of him that would make sense for there to be summer spots ability of the others. there had to be clear, I don’t think that artists should stop making whatever they want to make because it inspires to clocks, but I think that we have to deal of six bucks, no matter what synovitis to be censorship. I’m just with asking a question to see the conversation, but I definitely want to go on record saying I don’t think Martin inspires people to do harm. I don’t. I think that those people are to do harm there. then again, I would have to resolve the matter what and what happens immediately afterwards is summary says was because of this was because of that, or they have like, dude, I can go kill somebody in the window, natural born killers of the talking great. there, there was there were unsorted neurochemical, there was a story and I guarantee you, none of you modifiers listing for it. it’s from a thousand years, until, like the other time a thousand years. billions are noting about this, I came across it just randomly there was a guy who got arrested because he put this is like late nineties got arrested because he was mailing bombs to people and the idea was is that they were tying and it would blow up in the mailbox and year to know where I’m going with this limited connection it instantly. if you look at the map because he had a map of where he was mailing them to it was a giant.:-) I was asked if that was that I heard about a dude, he was mainly something that was like shaking anthrax and obligate it out yet yet yet that any loving you mailing something that but either way it is right:-) Yep Yep. clearly, yes I know my stuff. I club you present may have nobody fought in front of the club which I was so proud because you know why because most important scare. nobody are as young as their relatives here. if I club would’ve been bigger at the time, then, like, but you asked out he wanted gone after him. because of this guy you is try to bring project mayhem guerrilla did the bombs blow up. I think there was one that detonated okay, I thought the story that I read said about:-) but said it was anthrax or whatever. I thought nothing was nothing bad happened right. I thought it was just she was totally fine with people. he was here and my retro yet and my my memory is not the best for certain things wicked. yeah, if we can find it. I have been married by Armstrong to death algebra# bombs don’t you fake anthrax or real anthrax a lot, but did you:-) is what if you built up the forgotten a little bit of responsibility on media and the national media are not unknown for seven is you just were. maybe I misspoke because our drinks. I’m saying that there I think that it’s more a problem of people wanting to be famous and that’s an easy way to gain fame it easier for you to get your name in the paper, collecting about you, John Dillinger. unfortunately, to get. I thought around with this as a concept, but how did Billy indicate get caught thing I wanted posters activator of talking drawings should he asked Ron yet mother talkers were running trains with liquor faces covered almost had to do was moved twenty miles, and it would never caught them and just go by Johnny know these people wanted to get caught because it was the fame aspect they wanted to be famous. it didn’t matter what it was John Dillinger, how do we know John Dillinger ‘s name because a lot of are going to a bank and lectured up and be like, and if anybody hast yet with Sean diligent a gotcha, you know, like that was their whole scenario that you’d like they made fun of it in over the world about what was a baby faced Nelson, yet tell George Nelson ‘s baby face Nelson. Manny got mad like no because princes Lord you know, like yelp, they would tell people their names because they wanted to be famous. they got away with everything they were doing those crimes necessarily for unsure the lot. it was for the thrill. I don’t know. I never like you know interview Billy the Kid, but just like judging by the actions of Notre Dame sure that there were devious mother Fokker ‘s Jack the Ripper is a great example. Jack Ripper wanted the character to be famous as opposed to himself. he never wanted to be caught zodiac killer zodiac killers another one. and yet they never want to be caught, but Richard Ramirez was okay with getting caught is a actually did nail inclusive stuff right, absolutely. but that’s because he was super fun, smart, and due to it when he finished dinner chat, I can’t either enter. I can’t. I don’t think of it, Jack the Ripper was like I want my character to be famous. in the event you want to be caught. now, I don’t think any criminals only thought honestly, then why would username I write I think there’s a middle ground between you and I and I don’t know how to say what that middle ground is, but I think that’s where truth lies. I’ll hit him right and I mean after LSF. I don’t know you’re right. in this scenario, but I think neither of us are right, but in the middle is really what I’m sure with a psychologist on the vehicle details like people who commit crimes have a certain tendency towards narcissism. you can avail. I immediately find a middle ground there yet but I’m sure that’s true, they might not necessarily want to get caught but it all feeds her narcissism if they get caught, or if they don’t get caught in, but just the right one for movies that criminals get sloppy over time because of the fact that they want to be caught because they don’t really like they come to a point like a serial murderers or rapists and suck like that, even maybe I don’t know about bank robbers, but I think people who hurt other people. eventually, they want to get hot reason why to get sloppy in those scenarios is because they can’t stop themselves so clear that you’re always unsure where people like that they figure out a way to get caught without just turning themselves in when you think about it. if your summary, who enjoys taking human life. you know deep down there has to be some sort of conflict in your brain. you know what I mean, you can’t just think that your one hundred percent right about doing what you’re doing. not everybody is a button, Travis Sparky Gartner comes with a Travis Margaret has a computer but that all you have. not everybody struggles that will just think the world needs to be cleansed of the dirt. there are sociopaths who understand that what they’re doing is considered wrong in society, but they do not feel remorse for it. oh yeah, and I think maybe true sociopaths might not want to get caught, you know, and on the psychologist, so who knows. so you don’t think that like a good example would be on which of them barbers, yeah, not an lightweight suits the ghastly Street Barber– the Demon Barber of Fleet, yes, yes, Miranda and Elliott Barber, the accused killers from our area. I therefore can I hate using their names like an I feel like saying their names gives them the power that they want the fear of the name increases the dealer that sells it’s not that it’s more of a potter shall very about it. I just feel like what they want is the thing where we draw the line, though, how do you think person decide who deserves to have their name out there like how much to talk about it. that’s the first question. if you do, but where’s the line. what crime should we not talk about. I don’t think that it’s necessary to publish any sort of names or whatever license you know if there like our on the loose, but what you call it putting their names over and over again in the newspaper. I mean you got at least admit that especially with this particular case where she’s claiming you know an outrageous story you that’s being reported. wait for the listeners. so what is the sorry state of worms. Johnson was human and in the just ten seconds to Miranda and Elliott Barber are accused of killing Troy Lafayette in summary, Pennsylvania. they are accused of wanting to kill somebody. just for fun. so on his birthday and their three-week wedding anniversary. they found the sky on craigslist on anniversary it was weeks three week over three people say that you should get down the river, a three-day anniversary is basically to having been there. that’s why some people allowing me to publicize some people call it like the craigslist killer is about what people look large and they found a gun, craigslist, and then he in the back seat, according to the police and the supposedly guiltless guys. I’m very dumped the body and left and then they and then shake it with this guy Jeff in jail, now she’s saying they should first have a call to murder the shoot out like fifty million people. she killed the Alaska Alaska Townsville Alaska Texas. damages kill all modifiers. summary added by the devil. yet to lay waste. what mannerisms and if it was real. she was sent by the devil. I don’t be. she would been caught so easily there. I think you’d be able to just walk through the fund bar dressed in the dark father said it had been done at the floor penalty with a game Studios is looking the material I’ve been re- materialize of the others in the bars and snap guards heads off like talking Terminator and should issue is sent by the devil. I don’t be the devil would just be like, okay, now rot and tell my story to decimate humanity and others in I think any mother pucker in the world whose as decimate when they don’t actually mean reduced by a ten. that’s what this means them a sense with their partner prefix yes– at their deck so you used, you are accused of killing and then she is claiming that she killed more than twenty two people and stopped counting after that she’s only nineteen gashes her when she was thirteen. she joined a Satanic cults and Alaska. so they’re locked away. yes, and you don’t say that name because J you think it’s in the same as they are better. that’s what she gets. I don’t say him necessarily. Chrissy is like a roll. I know I’ve never I haven’t read any interviews with him. I don’t under these and interviewed what once or twice since he’s been interviewed once by Francis and I think he talked to CNN once yeah, but it was a short interview, and that lady has has there’s reasons for that, that I can’t get into fair off, but she’s talked. she hadn’t stopped talking pretty much rent while and not cannot actually sing the truth about stop that we know how come on, allegedly, she, i.e. she has done. I think Satan covers his unwanted jailhouse interview and I know Francis has gone to see her twice a week, but there has been no more interview stories with her French is a little reporter that I resent that a crisis is a local reporter, and Francisco Cella, Chris was there okay so I think what were finding here is that I think people want to be famous, and I wanted women on reality TV and one of limit on the way that it’s a simple equation. you do some bad shed your names can get out there and I think her certain intervals in the world who want to be known as I’d like. I forget what the study was that there was some sort of the study where they asked people what they wanted to be here now. we want to do with your life and a majority of youngsters out a safety famous. they don’t say be a famous musician items to be a famous entitlement is right in the head is not going to say that one of the famous and I’m on a murder everybody to do it the right one of these famous, but they want to be famous for going out and being on the show or doing something that is not necessarily a crime against humanity are not saying if you are Arnett, Sarah. I’m not saying okay what were you presented your right ahead. if you’re not disturbed. you’re not going to say I want to be famous and then go kill a relate right exactly how I will only disturb people or people impassioned in a moment want to go out and get famous regular people close me crazy. yeah, I know I completely agree with. I was leery about our gone on record several times saying if you do some sort of harm towards another person you are mentally ill. you’re not my friend. and you’re also not my friend were no longer, but yet what is a line of the seal of the article timeout large-scale harm of document like rape, murder, Sebastian, yet Trans Union, adding punch each other yet that I didn’t like. I don’t necessarily think of that’s okay and dirt on. I don’t happens after that before the mentally ill spectrum. I think if you do some sort of a violent thing. I think that that is a mental illness. I don’t think that people who are not mentally ill, more punch people in the face, manipulative, Jacob of manipulatives in there. there aren’t any now. yeah, that’s not necessarily errors. I like that we can explore that a little bit more, but on I think that the problem is, though with manipulative that everybody at one point or another does manipulate somebody they might feel terrible about a man never do it again, but Doctor who fans, not his name, and so likes him he told you about this, and then you’re telling me to sound cool, that’s all cardiac colleges. podcast best unknown podcast recommended recording Justin Strawser daily item daily news news item thejealousone xmen x-men stan lee the jealous1 Pennsylvania northumberland Miranda Barbour Elytte Barbour Miranda Barber Elliott Barbour Port Trevorton sunbury PA Selinsgrove lawsuit newspaper sex porn dick art artist writer comedy mnmomn mike’s no mic open mic night poetry funny hilarious philosophy smart sharp witty wry aware politics how to fix self help ranch make made making progress free signup free shipping vinyl record free good paying job nude blonde fucks money dollars million secret to secret of pay rent avoid charges racist run episode one first episode spoilers classy rude write intelligent diy hip hipster Shamokin pa the jealous one youtube thejealousone youtube Justtubed videos fun popular unexpected surprise music experience cute cats kitty adorable kitten fail jump keep your house bank scam false rumor troubleshoot solution virus solve solution pain sick epic Mike Bennett vine superstar rumor horror film American lost gun control new Star Wars sequels United States Suspense Serial drama Doctor Who David Tenant Directed by Steven Spielberg. Jurassic Park Samuel L. Jackson Velociraptor paleontologist claw feathers t-rex tyrannosaurus rex discovery bone dinosaur legit sitcom lies art artist broke money free halloween dracula good nature battle spirit martian conspiracy theory fingers stab kill work coffee genres apart indie hip punk rock comicon comic books film director famous way beat the odds survive liberal fight club Tyler durden marla singer just find us Serving Ice racism racist homophobia transphobia transsexual jack Kerouac William s Burroughs Allen Ginsberg autobiography thinking thoughts killing bipolar curious Dylan sommers Dylan saje Dylan sage William russum bill russum William sokal bill sokal The Bouncing Souls The Gaslight Anthem Crime in Stereo Against Me! Dalek that’s a big part of most industries that is a big part of most relationships have the essay. I think it’s a slick as you said any element and manipulated. I need your put your place for a Manson of the items they like to decry relations under senior putting a parcel out that you don’t want people to see the no wrinkles in the cuts and bruises there, if you’re a heart on the first date been the grandeur hiding something. having that’s what about adding those everyday manipulations and I think if you are a master manipulator like by Charlie Manson in a children’s drone ants and would be the ultimate manipulator and then I think that you are a terrible person there that you have something wrong with you that you get six more yeah, because it’s all about power. if you exert power like if your goal is to treat people like their subservient yet. I think that’s wrong. I don’t know how much that goes in the mental illness. I think it does have a lot to do with about right. I mean, that’s my personal opinion, and don’t get me wrong because I deftly been a manipulative person at times in my life. my regret it. I won’t do it again, but there’s been times where I done certain things in order to get the result that I wanted him out in a number of people on the have to save Nancy okay my book. there were times where like I can think of one thing I don’t get too specific, but there was a bunch of people who were saying a certain thing about a person whose situation where there is a place I was working there was a group of management and the group of management didn’t like the one manager and they were trying to find a way to get rid of them and they would talk ship about that person all the time and so basically what I did was I told I absolutely could be good. don’t kill people don’t kill people down there that area yet so I don’t think there’s some kind of value in not building people up when they do things not building people up in the media like overselling it. I deftly seasoned value. I just don’t see what all I don’t know where that line is Bill because I think that people have a right to know, especially because like one of the system ‘s broken leg. what if they are not a fair trial. but in what situation there’s so many variables that if you don’t cover it from beginning to and then you’re going to miss something and what is that something that was missed the event. oh, they were actually innocent or low, they actually did kill all these more people were glad that we report on the shore. I hope the little murders and if I don’t know where that line is and I don’t know if it’s really up to the media to determine without light. as you know, we do well and not only that, but I mean, let’s face facts you when I say media. I don’t mean local newspapers, outlet and I don’t imagine that there’s a clear aspect. there you but also, and here’s the other thing is, how can you get a fair trial if everybody knows that you’re the craigslist killer from reading it in the newspaper. at such a sensitive point. if you get arrested for something, then the prosecutors build a case, you’re going to have a jury trial because you’re not talking moron since the way it is. but you would honestly be surprised at how many people don’t pay attention to the news right. you would be able to be on Jerry, who might have heard about it but have not paid attention for sure yet but even like the little was that you know how people he wanted to insurance me life by a completely ill-informed. those are the type of people that you would want on a jury that haven’t paid attention to the actual case, so that they come in with fresh eyes. but one of biggest liar about that unit, enabling a evident that like yeah, we’re getting, like so many like you and you know and I don’t expect you to does live up in their manipulator nation behind. yes I know some media like strata there is like a joke and I’m certainly not to give credit for a book. there’s definitely the deal. Joe could you want to get out of jury duty. just go in and start saying racist right. you know what ever is now may need editing… I do. I don’t inaugurated it did Dylan ever mention his jury duty banking on the path you doesn’t pay him. I think a lot of people who would probably do decent in a jury trial don’t want to do it also is in our main Neolithic time off work, and yes I pay you. but whatever it’s like on our night. I think it will have a lot of people just don’t want like be involved in the system, you know, to me, and especially with like, you know, I’m sure there’s an aspect of all yeah. like it or if it’s against the big mobster. I find them guilty that I’m getting a kill or like any action you know to me like there’s so many variables where people would just opt out of doing that bad also. not only that but the moral taking the items high ground, but I don’t know how to explain it, saying, basically, I won’t be involved in the system that potentially well and he has proven to put innocent people to death. throw in some people in jail pick on my North. he was a very good. now I know not how I would get a jury duty because I was lettered for jury duty a letter in the mail. that’s like patient for jury duty, and don’t and they said if there’s a reason why you feel like you’re unfit for jury duty, or why shouldn’t do it whenever reply so I sent them a letter and it was like hey, I really don’t believe in the American justice system. I think that it has all of these problems wrong with it. my list. if you are taking a short and sweet. I was a pretty she, but I said at the end that I don’t think that a group of people can be responsible for someone’s future or their life right. so no matter what I will vote innocent. no matter watch your underlined ship. now I signed and in the mail me back and said, okay, here’s the date and time you show up while Mike, are you flocking kidding me. I literally said, I have no faith in what you’re doing here the hands I have no faith in myself or anyone else she is the video of the guy doing it yet delegates, ladies holding up the day ‘s newspaper there. the birthmark in you yet. he pointed out when he looks into a camera and says my name is blah blah Social Security website. everything still an innocent gout and they were like your who we want to malign, who they wanted for selection again. so I showed up, I think, therefore condition like that and my boss is a little irritable, which is weird because I don’t think they can be removal of, but they were irritable yet I showed up at the year will boost will be doing about it right now, but they ended up settling out of court or something so showed up. I think I lost I was running a little late. was this weird thing when my father. I hope they know that I’m here and when wrong rumors with other people in the nasal accord in that some interesting. I was only called one time or jury duty, but I was technically not a resident of that state. so I did have to spend” yet the oral quarter, helping it along on that very probably not. that’s my thought, behavior like a complete and no get out of here. yes, many like I caught your nuts are yet going back to your thing a while ago, Bill. I do think that videogames and this literature and film and stuff impacts society. somehow we are guys. it’s like if a butterfly flaps its wings in an Asian Buddhist for butterflies related to Genghis Khan and him and I’m not going out. it’s like a butterfly flaps and tornadoes happened hurricanes program. I began reading affect everything, but I do think that videogames ends film and start yet do impacts society, but I don’t think that’s a call for censorship. I called up yet. I mostly the school of thought like the crazy people are going to be crazy. no matter what the Mass. zero quick zooming in or out, but I do have a question about that particular part. it is our getting more or less violent popular art, in my opinion. where is their study, the negative in your opinion, do you think that video games are more violent than they were twenty years ago. I don’t know much about video games. he can make that determination. he not elastic, or Satan know because the video gives a hero now. I’m sure it’s just with the people that I talk to, now that in the videogames, but they like real creative oddball stuff transit about a video and say to take an hour to get to be a mountain to mountain simulator will sell pumps, yet the guy that made is a guy that did the videogame in her other awesome yeah, yeah, and he’s making a figure game where your mountain. that’s what’s also in the right. I read the article. I don’t know if I’m sure you yeah you try to keep climbers from getting to the nobler life that grows on you guys anyway. there’s like Mountain goats that show up the one plan but okay so I reveal video games and arcade style Terminator, you shoot people in the exploding these hunks in our okay but this is like do you know what the number will one two three four five that Selig reverses our motto has Final Fantasy ‘s enclosed Mario’s close to Zelda. Zelda now not even close call of duty call of duty battlefield palletizing loans gears of war– I guess all that because they’re what I worked at also, you dangerously would run through the shirts like you, so the other you the new games are even more violent the entire goal of those games is to kill children in the last year, Terminator, you’re playing against the machines. your shooting those and that’s like fifteen years ago. twenty years ago would be two thousand rate two thousand and then raising it again. I really think perverted society can’t write out what about that law is an action-adventure game. the stuff that does not deny getting a video games, yet your hunting ducks stuck on your other dog yet. although Thailand has all look the last needed lots of the in southern movies or movies getting more or less violent as far as like the stuff that you’d go to seek and save it or not. not that you would like Arnie blockbuster stuff. okay, got the vendors, which was super popular rank their okay satellite: violent, though I isn’t a lot letting everyone have a wedding file and I think fighting plus blood plus, if Gore. that was the big thing with Mortal Kombat people freak out about Mortal Kombat because there was a lot of blood in the game and nevermind the fact you are ripping people ‘s spines out of their bodies. just the fact they were showing the blood around the slide them. you know like every time you had so many– of blood would fly out so they censored again be made so that there was no blood you had to put in the code in order to get the blood to show up again, so things like that. it would be interesting to do a study to see what percent of adding a heightened qualify things you have to do by studio budget on again right and say this is a serious study. anything below the stairs like an independent game on steam or something that we don’t tell you just look at the sales check that would skew and I think you have to have a way of saying is if you were to do a market study of music that would be impossible because you and me can record an album is really terrible. I can’t do anything. well I guess there aren’t outdated, always if we can put that we can be like hey, ours was included in the cited safety. I think you have to look at labels and say we’re going to include these labels that produce yes, much less of a qualifier right, but I’m curious as to once we find a qualifier for game Studios measuring the percentage of games that have maybe Dubai. the rating system. I guess you the mature rating yet because I do think that there are so many games that people play now that are creative and puzzle solving and stuff and totally right. there are those crazy violent like gears, a warrior sawing people part with a gun solidarity, Nazis, Javier will somehow use the plan, all the time so great black ops now it was for the war in Europe at World War II. yes consequently has the ability GV we went on a metal nine thousand nine Cody will sit in our living room for hours, yet displaying the Nazis empennage is obviously out of his invaded the house and he just chosen an easy cookbook we die. the writer Cody. I just beat that game on easy mode in order to unlock that bonus can write it is so much fun. well, yeah, exactly. and those things. here’s a weird thing and I get into this because of the fact that its videogame shipment work and that industry, I guess so. selection that I think the point of that is, is that it’s not as a whole are these things getting more violent, but movies and games are the two things that people consume more people listen to music as background noise that is. I’m saying like the majority of humanity. I’m not talking about like that again will actually look out to mightily and and you’re saying that you can be a passive music listener. yet the also be a passive filmgoer, but you’re still engaged on a different level right. you paid different amounts of the yes, that makes sense. I know some people listen using the tools and lyrics, which was my father mind. but regardless of that. okay, so the numbers are to be believed about what is the highest selling ship as far as movies and video games. it’s violence by far. that is the thing so are we more violent. right now, are we less violent right now than we were a thousand years ago, before the advent of video games by cigarette somewhere that premise gone down the rankings going out there. there are more people were able to take out their frustrations through living vicariously through these things so like if you’re saying that our impacts people that absolutely does. but if you’re saying that part is a causation like consuming violent media creates a violent person, then you know what I don’t think that’s what he is saying no directly affect was Noel and that’s how and I both write up interesting art creates our things are inspired and I was in St. Peter’s where I think it’s like a decent decision desensitizing just seeing violence. you just don’t think about it on immediately other ramifications. he well I flinch whenever I see anything really glory of its real life because you benefit amount named Bill Yates on people ‘s chainsaws. yeah, real unemployment is only now done about it now. I think that you get going. I write because irresponsible empathetic adult when I was younger I didn’t get it. and maybe that comes with some level of growing up, but I definitely think I was hit with a lot of empathy in the past few years they didn’t use Avenue that it may that is what the floor. I wouldn’t think about the ramifications of like work. I was a kid growing the rockets on the stage. I guess is what I think someone will write as they don’t show that you won’t do also instruct that you know how not get that point. yes I do see second level of desensitization. I don’t think that there really is that I don’t think it’s other people. I think it present their elections. I was going to say as well. the little resistance. people however I think that if you have a child you need the make sure as much as possible that they are playing any games that they understand the difference between reality and fantasy in the game, and if you are a person who is disturbed. he probably should be playing this game or there should be someone responsible enough for you to the article serves started out on another riser… I was not the religiously authority: OMH official who is disturbed, you know you immediate years and in our person in your room killing mice for fun and like ripping them apart and plastering the bottle over the wall. another know what you plan some violent videogame of that something that happens first though. I read earlier. yet, once again, I don’t think the people who aren’t disturbed play violent video game and then get the idea. it’s I need to go. do you think it is a target of right now, dancing, so here are shows I think of that now similar a living. if you never touch her at the thought of his life. I still think odds are he might hear she might do some harm to someone and also keep in mind when you listen to these people talking. it’s not the person who did it, who originally says I did it because I did this for my play doesn’t do not honor writings milieu. I always just so it’s always tapered before, but it’s always the people who are making an excuse and the other point that I want to make. it’s a big, especially when the white especially when it’s a white person motion capture one of the smartest people use bright comedian look them up. Sigrid Alexander, yet he was under a rug and a couple of times here. is he cynical pugilist that up as I did not eat around the house and call you out here. I’m so glad you actually don’t get a bind laid out like he sucks and how you use our car. yeah. is it so many people got it. I addressed it yet. but anyway is under Rogen recently and they were talking up violence and seventy city notes twenty because when you finally you eat out what he paraphrasing what he said was went black. I kill somebody. he’s a thought, when a Middle Eastern guy blow somebody up. he’s a terrorist. but when a white guy kill somebody. he’s mentally ill. that’s always the go to and why can all be that there’ll mentally ought to have you evidently there’s definitely a racist aspect of that where we make excuses. I’ll another thing Paul Mooney, brilliant comedian. he’s right. Richard Pryor. he has a several things out of need, you can check out but he has this joke is talking about the difference in black people. I feel of course is a black color he would liberally use the N-word something to change that Marcus Satan is a Snickers. now that’s too hard and but he said a white guy gets arrested what you kill all those people I don’t remember that’s really interesting. we have studied this case, like I watched all those people I don’t remember one two thousand years after, behind bars year to remember white guy once you snap and kill everybody in your neighborhood. it was because of you know what or since. yeah, I heard voices. all that’s really interesting word have to study this case what you do it. I heard voices. what are you hearing voices anymore when we kill you. there’s always been an excuse for whites who do terrible things, and it’s always the black as guilty. not all are in a big circle. my first CD that I ever bought was body count Scott Keller just one of without their wrap it up. Ellen is in the final points will make. I think I want to say I don’t think that media and entertainment creates terrible things and people I think that people who are disturbed great terrible things people. I agree that but I think there are a lot of people who think that being famous for good or for worse, like no matter what the ultimate goal is to be famous than those people are disturbed and somehow get served by the media doing that and I don’t necessarily think that I did. and there’s a big difference between light the local newspaper or even CNN and TMC obviously correct to therapy and has better quality at the data because output of the video of the dude getting pulled out of a car crashed as Tracy Morgan was next on on the front video and the beats daughter asked them to extend take it down in a safe spot, you bitch. it’s our property were to show everybody. your dad getting hold of a talking car. yet we CKs try to get them take it down to as awesome as these friends with the dude out and he was like, dude, she’s begging you take it down. don’t be if I can pick it around, and there like you. we bought fought in there. everything is a guide passed away. I know I I think he’s using critical condition that actually lets that I was. I don’t even know that guys name as he got the puck and problems. I know plug-in Ms. Keller ‘s name error fused to say it, but I don’t know of hugging the dude who is fighting for his life. yet, I don’t know his name that an allegedly this is and this is lame for me to throw back to let us out after reciting that some guy that is struggling to live right, but this makes me think of that episode. we talked about with the cars, Justin on and you see a car accident and the thing is strange how human life can be transferred into like the as life now is when I like funky. we bought it like they bought what could be the last moments of someone’s life, that’s for, you can bridle act like you, I dazzlingly worldbeat to see this is ridiculous. we have it up because the world needs to see this in Outlook out of luck and demon says things like that you noted in the guy ‘s daughter. yeah, like that. what kind of talking personification of evil is not Satan. now, I don’t think Satan would do that now, even Satan would have some talking respect. I was really frightened, for Satan himself is other than a high that the place is not yet inevitable morals of the story are CMC critically think that thing down it all down. children will put a month ago, Jeff. sometimes they make market, but more often than not. as an team they had not enough if there is authorized to think of it in the am another bike out yet now citing with fame built set a great race. it is a fan problem in America was for frame would talk about super murderers, serial murderers don’t hurt people, entertainment in the entertaining part art. the art of the Arthur and the Arthur R Lewis at any Arthur Dorling, a cardigan the ashes is being into netbook which is BR thirty yes, because love Arthur. there that need what only talking about in. I know he’s in a ditch is loving and I think. we should talk about if artists have a responsibility to be moral and of art can be moral or immoral, and where we can rally from that sounds like an awesome thirty second podcast from. thank you for listening to us. yeah, I’m Justin runs away or were they find is that they will find us to fund us, and there is also a middle ground between people do bad ship to be famous and the media creates fame and bad people. I think that was what we were trying to figure out the middle ground was, I think us and headed back. I wish I could remember what it was but I’ve been drinking out of the endless as the dead Kennedys Jello Biafra Tipper Gore Al Gore PRMC censorship dee snider congress hearings senate republican religion fresh fruit for rotting vegetables frankenchrist Penis Landscape, or Work 219: Landscape XX Alternative Tentacles Records Plastic Surgery Disasters Frankenchrist Bedtime for Democracy H. R. Giger is a pretty great and don’t go to any Marilyn Manson concerts or you will get kidnapped, and you watch a CNN beforehand yet exactly I thought it and doesn’t know I’m Bill and eight that some sheet of ice.
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