Sex culture in America tends to shy away from the Spiritual aspect of a sensual/sexual exchange, but what if it is a key component to feeling satisfied in the bedroom? When you feel spiritually aligned with a person or experience, there are NO RED FLAGS. You feel free and safe enough to express your opinions and emotions! Thus, cultivating a space where all parties can create the experience they desire. Listen in and have your journal ready to take notes. Let us identify WHAT DOES SAFETY LOOK LIKE IN THE BEDROOM?
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Apr 13, 2022
40 min
As a young girl, I thought sex was going to be like a J Smoov dance routine. But I was least for a little while. Feeling empowered in our sex life requires attention, intention and creativity. Join me, your host Amy a.k.a @3S_Educator, as I discuss, my introduction to sex education, how Sense, Sex and Spirit was born and how learning about the sex you like can improve your life!
Connect with Amy on Instagram:
Mar 30, 2022
36 min