Self Loathing Millennials Podcast

Self Loathing Millennials

Josh And John
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Raw organic conversation about religion, lifestyle, and tradition. Support this podcast:
Sharrona Pearl on mask culture, parenting, and we get deep on talmudic mentality
Professor Pearl is an Associate Professor of Medical Ethics, Drexel University. You can find her newest book here: Give her a follow on Twitter: --- Support this podcast:
May 13, 2020
57 min
Dating Hoaxes, deBlasio, and the response of "All Jews"
Hi Everyone,  Thanks so much for tuning in. I'm launching season 3 of the show, and we're gonna switch things up a bit!  My first guest is a one of my FAVORITE people on the internet. You can find her on Twitter: @1littlebigmouth This conversation could have gone on for hours but unfortunately we didn't have endless time, so we will definitely be coming back to you guys with more LBM! If you enjoyed this episode, it would mean the world to me if you subscribe :)  stay healthy,  Josh  --- Support this podcast:
May 5, 2020
1 hr 3 min
The Lakers Big Weekend, Lebron's Statement, Rockets By The Numbers, And "Overcoming" Pre-Defined Gender Roles With Lincoln Parker
Hey Guys,  My man Lincoln is back for some NBA chat as the season comes to a close. Two dudes also give you their opinion on a female perspective, just  how we like it in 2020!  :)  --- Support this podcast:
Mar 9, 2020
1 hr 20 min
McMillions, The Bachelor, And We Compare Seltzer Brands To The Proverbial Crazy Family
I mean: If you are deciding whether or not to listen to this show based on the description, I're pretty awesome? :)  --- Support this podcast:
Feb 27, 2020
1 hr 2 min
Lincoln Parker on Finding Personal Happiness, The Other Side Of Dominance, and The Current State of MLB And The NBA
Hey guys,  Special guest on this pod. Had an AWESOME conversation with Lincoln Parker, someone I believe you will enjoy listening to. I'm sorry for the poor audio quality, I was literally in the middle of nowhere when we were recording this! We covered a wide array of topics from personal happiness and understanding the "cost" of being driven to the NBA second half preview.  Thanks as always for listening!  Josh  --- Support this podcast:
Feb 20, 2020
1 hr 36 min
Polygamy Making a Comeback in Utah,  Ancient Pimps, and a "Ghost Species" of Early Humans
Look at us, back for a second week in a row. Like you, I'm stunned.  Quite a smorgasbord of bizarre topics this week:  Polygamy in Utah making a comeback Corona Virus update and stats  We briefly re-hash  the history of V-day  Josh's first Twitter beef  Shakespeare's death  The BOBKA HUSTLE!  As always, thanks for listening! Please feel free to leave us a voice message on Anchor :)  --- Support this podcast:
Feb 17, 2020
58 min
Never Enough Flex Seal
We're not sure why you're still listening to this nonsense, but if somehow you are and you actually want to know what sort of tomfoolery we discussed: Quick history on Ceaser and his crazy conquests  Millennial water bottles  Joe Rogan tattoos  Why we never want to be famous  The quickest way to be wildly unhappy  Our thoughts on the Super Bowl halftime show  And of course: Impeachment!  Seriously, if you are listening, THANK YOU!  If you are on Anchor, leave us a message and we will respond to your questions/comments! --- Support this podcast:
Feb 11, 2020
49 min
Hi Everyone!  Can you believe it? We're not sure we can either, but we are back for another season of the same tomfoolery. If you have been wondering where we have been and are listening to this episode, it means the world to us! thank you!  If you are looking to donate to the great cause, here is the link: --- Support this podcast:
Jan 17, 2020
1 hr 1 min
LGBTQ Marketing + What the Kyle Kashuv Controversy Says About The Left
WE'RE BACK BABY!!!  John and I are THRILLED to open season TWO of the podcast. As many of you know, we had to take some time off due to my move from NYC, but we are finally back on our weekly upload schedule. Thank you so much to those of you who reached out with kind words while we wwere away. You guys make this worth it!  In this weeks episode, we tackle the controversy  surrounding Parkalnd survivor and activist, Kyle Kashuv. I have (partially) lived in Parkland for the last three years, so this is a topic near and dear to my heart. For those of you that missed the story, here is a quick primer: Fascinating stuff. As always, please leave us a voice note on anchor and we will be happy to respond on the show.  Thanks!  Josh and John --- Support this podcast:
Jun 24, 2019
54 min
Episode 17: The Origins of "Influencers" And the Importance of Stepping Outside The Internet Imposed Silos We All Live In
In this weeks episode we discuss:  Kyle Korver's letter in the player tribune:  Ben Shapiro's take on said letter "Woke" culture and how it feels like a race to "wokeness"   Mushroom coffee?!! Our usual nonsense!  Sorry for the less than stellar audio on this one :)  --- Support this podcast:
May 2, 2019
55 min
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