See on the Go Podcast

See on the Go

see - the conference on visualization of information
Enjoy talks by world class speakers focussing on the visualization of information, design and sustainability - in English and (sometimes) German. Besides focusing on data visualization, the see Conference places a strong emphasis on sustainable concepts. For this reason, our speakers open up new perspectives of effective communication in their presentations, focusing in particular on the impact of today’s actions on the society and environment of future generations. The best in their field – they are visionaries who understand, live and actively advance our mission of fostering sustainability.
#8 "Konsum und seine Bilder"von Wolfgang Ullrich *german*
Vortrag von der see-Conference 2013. Der Medienphilosoph und Kunstwissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich befasst sich unter anderem mit Konsumtheorie, Bildwelten und der Rolle der Kunst in der modernen Gesellschaft. Der gebürtige Münchner ist Professor für Kunstwissenschaft und Medienphilosophie an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Nach seiner Promotion 1994 war unter anderem Dozent an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München und Gastprofessor an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg.
Apr 4, 2016
38 min
#7 "The Power of Networks" by ManuelLima
Speech from the see-Conference 2012. Manuel Lima is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and has been nominated by Creativity magazine as “one of the 50 most creative and influential minds of 2009”. He is a Senior UX Design Lead at Microsoft and founder of – a visual exploration on mapping complex networks.
Mar 30, 2016
28 min
#6 "Between the Ones & Zeroes" by Brendan Dawes
Speech from the see conference 2013. Brendan Dawes is a designer exploring the interaction of objects, people, technology and art using form and code with an eclectic mix of digital and analog materials. Over the years his work has come in various shapes and sizes including websites, iPhone apps, posters, books, electronic circuits and pieces of plastic. Whilst his output takes on many forms, running through all his work are consistent themes of playfulness, curiosity and experimentation. You might also watch this talk on Vimeo:
Feb 23, 2016
35 min
#5 "Bilder im digitalen Zeitalter" von Volker Schöndorff *german*
Vortrag von der see-Conference 2015. Volker Schlöndorff ist wohl einer der bedeutendsten und international erfolgreichsten deutschen Filmemacher. Er besitzt eine ausgeprägte Vorliebe für Verfilmungen deutscher und internationaler Literaturklassiker. Mit Begeisterung widmet er sich Werken, die als unverfilmbar gelten und macht sie dem breiten Publikum zugänglich und verständlich. Doch auch gesellschaftskritische Arbeiten gehören zu seinem Repertoire. Alle seine Filme sind sehr anspruchsvoll und gleichzeitig unterhaltend. Für die Adaption des Grass-Stücks Die Blechtrommel hat Volker Schlöndorff einen Oscar erhalten, für sein aktuelles Werk Diplomatie den César.
Feb 15, 2016
35 min
#4 "Products of the Future" by Jeroen Junte
Speech from the see conference 2013. Jeroen Junte's work as a design critic and author focuses on the shifting role of designers and architects in the 21st century, where presentation becomes mediation. Jeroen regularly publishes articles in national dutch news magazines Het Financieele Dagblad and de Volkskrant as well as international magazines such as Damn* and FRAME. His latest book Hands on: 21st century dutch design provides insights into the work of influential and upcoming designers and their production habits, among others artisanal working methods, rigorous conceptual research and prototyping. His widely spread interests also cover aspects like critical design and open design. Jeroen is fascinated by approaches that transform viewers into users and creators of their own art. Jeroen is currently working on his new book Do Dutch: Contemporary Dutch Design & Architecture and his exhibition New Democratic Values - A New Conscious in Dutch Design.
Feb 11, 2016
19 min