Secrets of a First Lady Podcast

Secrets of a First Lady

Deb Pierce
A safe place that’s sprinkled with a little bit of laughter, lots of life and a whole lot of love!!
A Special Day with KJ💙
As a family we are so proud of our nephew KJ as he enters into a new exciting season of his life! He will be going to COLLEGE DURING COVID, getting an amazing education and pursuing his passion in Football. Enjoy listening as KJ, his brother Keenan and his parents Kenneth Sr. and Shanetta share their journey, advice and the hearts on how they REALLY feel about it all💙
Jul 29, 2020
34 min
The STEP Life
Disney has set us up!!!! Find out how and be encouraged as I share a few STEPS that will help you during your amazing journey. GOD CHOSE YOU and your family needs YOU!!
Jul 19, 2020
26 min
The REAL REAL REAL World of The Pierce Family
Join Bryan Sr., Bry, Devin, Brandon, Bethany, Bailey, Joshua, Jeremiah and me as we share the PIERCE point of view of how we feel. #parenting #pandemic #protests #peace
Jun 14, 2020
42 min
Shining The “PASTOR’S WIFE” Light. PT. 1
Wanna hear about it? Well here goes the first tiny light that we shine on this Pastor’s wife life!! NO SHADE!! ALLLL LOVE AND LIGHT!!
May 22, 2020
32 min
I Can’t Have Children!
This episode is in honor of National Infertility Awareness Week and to honor those who are praying, walking and fighting through their own infertility journey! BE ENCOURAGED as I share the reality of my journey while also sharing a few great resources to encourage you along the way!! Please remember that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and that GOD WILL KEEP HIS PROMISE. Trust me when I say that if He did it for me, He will do the same for you!!!
Apr 24, 2020
31 min
We are The Pierces
Just a little peek into our lives and share our “secrets” as well as the “Pierce point of view” of what’s going on in our world today!
Apr 3, 2020
20 min
The Power of Prayer/w The Bishop
Mar 20, 2020
8 min
Marriage, Okra, Old School Church and me!!
Who in the world is Deb Pierce??? Well, here I am ...just a Queenager who loves God, loves her hubby and loves life!! If allowed I would just love to introduce myself to you by sharing just a few “secrets” of my heart, my life and my journey!! Hope you’s gonna be fun!!!
Mar 13, 2020
23 min