In this episode of Second Career Devs, I chat with Ryan Hamblin, a former exercise science and outdoor recreation manager who became a software engineer and is now the Web Program Manager at Lambda School. Ryan shares lessons about being responsible, gritty, and persistent in pursuit of changing your career. We also talk about the great work Lambda School is doing to enable people to make the same career change.
Links in the episode:
Lambda School - https://lambdaschool.com
A Visual Representation of the Ryans at Lambda - https://twitter.com/RyanleeHamblin/status/1079960781863542784
May 15, 2019
1 hr

In this episode of Second Career Devs, I chat with Kurt Kemple, a former felon turned full stack software engineer. Kurt shares the events that landed him in prison and the changes he made to become the success he is today. He shares some hard lessons learned during his incarceration and how they continue to serve him now and into the future.
Links in the episode:
I'm an impostor - https://medium.com/@kurtiskemple/im-an-imposter-832418db8a45
Apr 22, 2019
57 min

In this episode of Second Career Devs, I chat with Sam Julien, a former financial planner turned software engineer. Sam talks about his meandering journey to finance, the personal challenges he overcame to do so, and the great lessons he learned that he still uses today.
Links in the episode:
Sam's Website - http://www.samjulien.com
Upgrading Angular - https://www.upgradingangularjs.com/
Surprises in My Switch to Remote Work - https://auth0.com/blog/surprises-in-my-switch-to-remote-work/
Apr 2, 2019
55 min