Scientific Strength Podcast
Scientific Strength
Scott Iardella, MPT, CSCS reviews research in strength training
via Podcasts
Making Science Easy to Understand
Scott does a great job, in a short amount of time (episodes are all under 15 mins!), breaking down some of the science and research in training. Great job again Scott!
Great format
I really like the short and to the point format Scott uses in this podcast. You can listen to several episodes or just get a quick hit of information.
I miss it
Bring it back, an awesome podcast on vacation
I am studying to be a trainer and this podcast has helped me understand a lot of the science in context. It’s concise and Scott does a great job of presenting the information. Highly recommended for gym rats and professional trainers.
Great Scientific Reviews
Scott has done a great job with breaking down the science behind various strength training research topics. Always look forward to the next show, keep up the good work Scott!
Andrew Pai
Another Hit by Scott Iardella
I got hooked with Scott’s professional podcasting skills, and his mature approach to fitness, on his Rdella Strength Podcast. This new initiative provides bite-size nuggets of valuable information of health, strength and fitness, based upon valid scientific studies (not Bro-Science). Good Stuff!
Listen and Learn
Scott’s latest project, ”Scientific Strength” podcast, is a home run. He breaks down this scientific article in a clear and concise manner, then he makes it personal and relevant. I will be sharing this podcast with my physical therapists.
Truly Unique and Helpful
What a wonderful combination of Scott Iardella's extensive, personal experience in the strength world blended with scientific studies. This is perfect for anyone interested in strength training but also wants a scientific underpinning for why something works. The quality of the audio is top-notch and Scott delivers this with Grade A professionalism! If you have any interest in getting stronger, this needs to be a go-to resouce for you. Thank you, Scott, for putting out such high-quality content!!
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Daniel Lona
WOW…Scientific Strength is flat out awesome. Good production quality. Easy to listen. Very impressed Scott. Keep bringing it.
Pure Gold!
Great idea for a podcast. I like how each episode is short and critically reviews the research, but pulls out the practical applications. To my knowledge, there’s really no other show that offers this much insight and shares such important information about performance training. Very excited to see what’s coming and Scott always delivers! Thanks!
Exceeds ALL Expectations
I enjoy many different podcasts with in the fitness realm. Both of Scott's podcasts are by far the most rich in information a serious fitness junky wants to acquire. You will replay these podcasts learning new details every time. Free audio seminars of the highest quality are being offered here, what are you waiting for?
Reliably Great!
I titled this review "reliably great" because Scott Iardella's podcasts are just that. As a chiropractic sports physician and certified personal trainer myself, it is important to me to be in the know on current research in exercise, training, rehabilitation, movement, and health. But honestly, I don't like reading research articles, nor am I interested in giving any of my precious time to something I don't enjoy doing. Knowing that Scott has developed this new podcast is awesome for me, because I know now that by listening I am going to get valuable information to keep me up todate. And by listening to Rdella Training for the past few months, I know that Scott is a reliable, credible, well-rounded source of information. And he's also a nice guy--bonus!
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High Quality Strength Science Podcast
Scott is truly an innovator in the field of human performance and strength science. His hybrid background in both physical therapy and strength & conditioning, along with his in-the-trenches experience in training and coaching ultimately creates a unique atmosphere for this podcast. I highly recommend those looking to enhance their knowledge and expertise in strength, conditioning, health, fitness and athletic performance to tune in to the Scientific Strength Podcast.
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Matthew Ibrahim
Well Done!!!
Big picture and key takeaways with this study review are exceptional. Thanks for bringing this type if content to iTunes.
Mike - Florida
Cutting Edge Show!!!
This is an awesome show. LOVE the idea of presenting research and then taking away the practical applications. Really excited to come across this and CANNOT wait to see how this develops and moves forward. THIS is what the fitness industry needs! Thanks!
Another EXCELLENT podcast full of actionable info!
The information he shares is ALL backed by research and he explains how to put it to use! No fluff no gimmicks just education and application!!!! Awesome stuff, if your a fitness nerd who is looking for real the edge and quality content this podcast is for you.
Raised The Bar!
Scott Iardella has really taken things to a whole new level with Scientific Strength. There are so many people in the industry who claim to use science in their approach to training, nutrition, etc. yet they have no background or ability to interpret the literature. Well not only does Scott have the credentials to critically evaluate research, but he gives a quick primer to the beginner on how to follow along. He does a great job of breaking things down to make things palatable and understandable for his listeners. For me, this will be a big time saver as I can get the scoop on important issues from an extremely trustworthy source. I am looking forward to many more episodes!
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Brian Burnbaum
Great New Show.
This is an excellent concept for a podcast. I listened to all the episodes so far and love the professionalism and content. And, it’s short and to the point. Really excited to see what’s coming in the future and great podcast for those who are into the science of fitness and training. Well done!
As a former clinical researcher, I really appreciate how Scott starts at square one explaining the important components of research papers, and then in each subsequent episode builds on that knowledge by examining the findings of individual studies, offering real value for anyone wanting to learn more about taking care of their bodies.
A.F. Anderson
Innovative, experienced coach with a great approach to training that works
Scott is a highly qualified, innovative trainer, physical therapist, and coach. I love how this podcast series combines scientific data (both cutting edge and established studies) with practical advice for getting the most out my athletic performance. The best part is he explains in podcast #2 about the ups and downs of research, including what to look for in research. Two thumbs up for what Scott’s doing here. Scientific Strength is an awesome new resource!
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Scott communicates and breaks down the data in a very concise and practical manner. Love it. Easy to grasp and apply in my own training. Thanks Scott..
Awesome Show!!!
Wow - you’ve done it again Scott. Another great podcast with excellent information for the fitness community. Can’t wait to see how things develop here and thanks for providing such great content. Highly recommend this show as a learning resource in fitness and performance.