via Podcasts
Love Say That!
My sister introduced me to this podcast. So glad she did. These guys have great answers to listeners’ questions/comments. Biblical answers to tough questions/topics and the encouragement to study for oneself the Word of God. Can’t go wrong with that. Everyone should try this podcast at least once.
Gna 01
Best Podcast
Where your real questions get real answers. Absolute favorite podcast out there. Hilarious banter, honest conversation, and straight to the point answers.
Come for the humor. Stay for the wisdom!
I wish that Say That was around 30 yrs ago. It would’ve freed me from a ton of misconceptions. Could you guys work in beaming it into the PAST? 5 stars isn’t a high enough rating.
THE superfan
I have been listening to this podcast since episode #1. Today was #293. I just wanted to thank you for continuing to deliver funny, insightful, actually helpful conversation that I get to eavesdrop on. I've attempted other Christian podcasts that just simply fall short. Keep on keepin' on! I'll keep listening.
Livesay 5
3.5 wacky dudes who run a great ministry in Chicago giving great advice to people's questions and trying to start fights with abstract concepts like physics.
Seriously please give it a listen!
I've been listening from the beginning, and this podcast continues to teach me more about Christ and how to live out my faith in a real way. Say That definitely deserves to be ranked #1 in Christian podcasts! (Perhaps even in ALL podcasts).
Emergency off.
Hey if you're looking for a great podcast that talks about life and Christ and is full of wisdom this is the podcast for you. Jed Brewer, Unka Glenn, Lee Younger, and Matt King are four awesome guys who love Christ and want to help people.
EKing 2012
Great podcast!
A fun group of guys that answer serious questions and problems. These are the hi light of my hump day (Wednesday).
fantastic, encouraging, honest
Say That is my favorite Christian podcast to listen to. Why? These guys answer questions that are relevant for twenty-somethings such as myself (so many dating questions! thanks for answering all of them!) PLUS they take questions from their tumblr which means anyone can ask questions anonymously. I love that they answer questions from their audience; each question is super interesting to listen to. They always go back to the Bible in their answer which keeps the conversation grounded and biblical. What I love most is that they challenge me. They understand what it's like to be around Christian culture and the ups and downs of being part of that (Christian dating is filled with weird sayings and rules that aren't actually biblical--surprise, surprise). I'm always learning from what they say and being encouraged through their fiery faith. Thank you!
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Awesome Interactive Podcast!
Best. Podcast. Ever.
Adrienne (Indianapolis)
Food for my soul
I feel more fed and uplifted by listening to this podcast than listening to most sermons at church. ANYONE could listen to this and enjoy and be helped, even if they were not Christians. Thank you thank you thank you guys, you are making a huge difference in my life!
Definitely Say That
Fantastic podcast! An energetic and compelling listen every time.
Breath of Fresh Air!
This is such a great podcast! Christians give real answers to real life questions! I love how they're so to the point and so different from other Christian podcasts. this is great for people under 30 years old, and they give great advice for your walk. I am so glad I found this podcast. Check it out! You will loooooove it sooo much!
I listen to a ton of podcasts, and this is the first one I tell my friends about. This podcast is my addiction. It's funnier than any of the humor podcasts I listen to, and WAY better ministry that any of the Christian podcasts I listen to.
Simply put: these guys know their stuff. They all do hardcore front line ministry in jails and on urban streets, and it shows. Listening to this podcast is like having a cup of coffee with the funniest, coolest, and most understanding people on the planet.
They're in a league of their own.
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Michael Raffone
A most fantastic podcast
I absolutely love this podcast. This podcast alone has been the most helpful to my walk with Jesus, as these guys really do know what they're talking about. Each time I listen to them, they drop truth bombs like woah, shattering so many lies and perceptions about what the walk with Jesus "should" be and man, it's just so freeing to listen to them!
They're really funny too, always able to make you laugh and kinda go, really guys? (Said with so much love). But yes, these guys also are filled with love. It's so great as you're able to ask them all those questions that you have and you can do it anonymously.
If possible, will totally give them more than five stars because they're stellar people. They really do care as their answers are filled with love, willing to be blunt about it and also so gentle too. And it really shows as they're willing to be personal with you, like one time I submitted a question anonymously and they asked back on their podcast that it's totally okay for me to contact them again so we could talk one on one with how to deal with the issue. So that there alone is just like all of the kudos!
Tl;dr: Download this podcast, they're fantastic and sweet and funny people.
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Don't Settle For Less
Most Christian media is lame. You know it. I know it. The whole world knows it. No one knows why, it just is.
Say That is a light in a dreary, mediocre world. While they may not have the shiny teeth or a graphic T-shirt like some eminent members of their field, they more than make up for it in saying things that actually help people live their lives. (That's got to count for something, right guys?)
This out-humors humor podcasts, out-helps self-help podcasts, and WAY out-ministers ministry podcasts. I could not recommend this more highly.
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Highlight of my week
I love this podcast and the advice these guys give! Listening to them simultaneously makes me laugh, challenges me, encourages me, and helps me grow. I'm always excited to hear what they have to say
The best of the best
Found Say That through Unka Glen's tumblr (yes, it is VERY popular..) and immediately loved it. Hilarious and entertaining while still Godly. Easy to relate to and gives me hope and encouragement in my walk!
Maria Cirillo
guys, GUYS, this is all too good. words can't even express how much you guys have helped me in my walk and my relationship with God. Thank you so much for what you do and keep doing it!!
Awesome people discussing the real topics people face in their Christian walks! Bold, sweet, and truthful! Listen and be encouraged!
Listen, Love, Live
If you haven't listened to this podcast, where have you been? Listen to it, love it, live it. These guys amuse me and challenge me in equal measures. They give great practical advice for Christian living and are just generally awesome. (Not to mention that Unka Glen's blog is VERY popular(; Check it out.
extremely awesome
"Say That!" is so helpful in one's walk with God! The group of hilarious guys do exactly what the title of the podcast says it does: they answer big questions with real answers. It's so great that a podcast like this exists where all of the guys are super authentic and give the truth about God's character and what the Bible is saying. I can't thank Matt, Glen, Jed, and Lee enough for all of the work and love they're pouring into others through this podcast!
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Mike Randazzo
You can't get this at a christian book store
I just drove six hours listening to this podcast and the people driving next to me probably thought I looked ridiculous driving down the higway cracking up. The six hour drive easily felt like two with so much time spent laughing and taking a closer look at the ideas modern Christian culture feeds us. The way these men talk about Jesus and the real issues that surround Christian culture is unbelieavable. They tackle the real issues that are hard to discuss and brushed over by most Christians in a leadership capacity. Their compassion is so evident and they are incredibly intelligent, but speak as though they have nothing to prove, instantly putting the listener at ease and giving them more credibilty. I would recommend this to anyone looking to make their faith real in their hearts, rather than their reputation with other Christians.
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Real, hillarious and honest!
Say That is such a great source of distilled truth. No need to wade through the crap of modern "religion"; these guys don't play by the rules, they just tell it like it is. No judgement, no legalism, just the honesty and experience of four guys that want to help others through their tough situations.
Charlie Job
Well Done
I cannot even remember how I stumbled onto your podcast.I do not fit your demographic in any way except that I am an exhausted Christian who needs a reality check and to laugh out loud. I live in the Bahamas and was born before any of you. So pre-pre ice age. I am learning so much from you. I am grateful for the love and the deprogramming.
Shifting Sands
Better Than Osteen
This is one of the most refreshing, funny, creative, hilarious Christian podcasts - straying far from the typical sermon/lesson/topic of the week, these guys use their lives, dedicated to God's work, to answer relatable, thoughtful, honest questions from today's young adults. Highly entertaining and a great blessing to my day. A must-listen!
Say THAT Rocks The Socks!
Say that is a wonderful podcast! It's really funny and entertaining but at the same time it answers BIG questions from REAL people. I can't wait for the guys to finish more podcasts. Thanks lee, Glen, Jed, and Matt you guys are awesome!
A. C. Morgan
My favorite Christian podcast.
Seriously, I highly recommend this podcast. The dudes of Say That are so down-to-earth and real, and they answer so many questions that I know I've wondered about for a long time, and I'm willing to bet they've got something to say that will speak to your heart as well. To quote Disney's Hercules, "Two thumbs WAY way up!"
My new audio addiction
If you are looking for honesty and wisdom about living as a follower of Jesus then make this your new thing. These guys prove that you can be funny and not take life too seriously and still have a full, complete, all-encompassing walk with God. And the thing I like best is that they love Jesus and they love you and when you listen you know it.
10 stars!
I have found nothing else podcast-wise with this mix of humor and honesty and genuine love for God and for the folks that listen. Thanks for simplifying ideas that can be really confusing and thanks for your compassion. And thanks for the laughs.
Reality Rocks!
I love this podcast for it's real, down to earth, and encouraging answers to a lot of common questions about Christianity and Christian living! This podcast is awesome, and goes a long way to dispel the myth of the complacent christian lifestyle.
This is such a great, godly, encouraging podcast. The tone is conversational and genuine, and I can tell from what these guys have to say that they love the Lord and have real experience in ministry. Listening to this podcast always leaves me a little wiser and a lot more encouraged. Keep up the good work, y'all! Greetings from Texas :-)
Laura Beth Shirey
Right On
I knew these guys from tumblr before I found out they had a podcast, so I was stoked when I finally listened. It's rare to hear guys talk about their faith in a way that's real and relatable and COMPLETELY without pretense, but these guys do a great job. Well done, fellas.
Truly inspiring men of God!
It is so rare to find Christian men willing to step up and be firm in their faith nowadays. These guys do that and more! I have been so inspired in my own walk just by hearing the love that basically radiates from these guys. They are honest, realistic, and pretty much the coolest guys I've never had the pleasure of meeting. Keep on rocking, guys! Can't wait to hear more!
Hilarious, inspiring, and wise.
Being a 17 year old with a short attention span, I love how the men on here just capture my attention through humor, wisdom, and love. I like to listen to this right when I wake up before getting ready for church
Short and sweet! It's very encouraging and perfect for whenever you need some answers.
I would buy these if I had to
These are high quality. Every one of these makes me laugh out loud (which is about 1% of what makes them great). Everything else equal, these would be some of the most downloaded and listened to podcasts on iTunes.
Allan Hamilton
Say That is absolutely incredible. I love these guys and they pack in a sweet, genuine truth that will leave you in stitches. Keep it up guys!
Keep up the good work, guys!
There is a lot that can be said about "Say That". It is a genuine podcast that tackles important questions that everyone has had at some point in their lives. These four amazing minds come together to create a humurous environment where questions are answered to the best of their ability from their own experiences with God. It is obvious that they care about the listeners. I would recommend it to everyone. It's a good, thought-provoking podcast, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming episodes.
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Lee Younger
Not the average Christian Podcast. - many times Christian podcasts are simply a recording of the Sunday Sermon dumped online, but Say That is a whole new thing. This is real-life insight from four guys who are missionaries, pastors, musicians and bloggers on the front-lines of ministry everyday - and they're answering the questions of real people in a way that is disarming, fun and full of biblical wisdom.
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Lee Younger
Shalala It's a goodin'
Good stuff fellas! Love reading your blogs and it's good to put a voice to the words finally! And you guys speak with as much humor and analogies as you do on your blogs, packing in the truth just as well.
Wonderful. And applause. Sound the trumpets for the next episode!!!!
*no trumpets*
~Cousin Ed
Instant M3ssage
Awesome stuff!
Simply put: Real, practical questions getting real, practical answers. Witty, entertaining, and smart. This is good stuff!
A Must Listen!
"Say That" is something that everyone must listen to. It is the perfect combination of humor, fun, real questions, and real answers from four of the best there is. They answer real questions in a real way. This is not some Christian podcast that is going to cram stuff down your throat, this is four Christian studs that are having a conversation with you and explaining the truths and myths of the bible and what it says about real world stuff that people deal with. Check it out and be encouraged.
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Well Done
Just listened to the first two episodes and I can't wait 'till you guys offer more! You guys are filling a BIG need in the Christian podcast arena which is full of sermons, dense theology, and poorly produced opinion pieces. You guys are answering REAL questions with REAL discussion; finally a podcast with Christians who actually seem to love people!!!
Enders Dad
"say that!" is soooo great! There is nothing out there like it, it is so honest and real and insanely sweet and encouraging all at once, not to mention hilarious! I LOVE these guys, they are not afraid to answer hard questions...If you really want to find answers and start growing in your relationship with Jesus then please listen to "say that!" !! nuff said.
Hannah Larson
I love "Say That!"
Wow! This podcast is so many things! It is super hilarious and super fun to listen to! The time flies on "Say That!" More than that, tho, it is full of insight and wisdom. I would say that this podcast is life-changing. I hope there are tons of episodes!
guido orefice