Say That Podcast
Say That
SayThat Podcast
547- Simply Having A Conflicted Christmas Time - episode of Say That podcast

547- Simply Having A Conflicted Christmas Time

58 minutes Posted Dec 13, 2022 at 8:11 pm.
it says “The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.”  Does that still apply when Christianity has been the biggest world religion for 2,000 years? (45:42-55:10)
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This week, Matt read an article about "Secular Calvinists" and, since he has to know that's a thing, now so do you! (
I don’t know how I feel about Christmas. Growing up it wasn’t my favorite time and it hasn’t gotten better. I see that there could be a lot of positive stuff about the holiday, but I can’t seem to connect to it. Is there a way to reset my Christmas feelings? (
How do you support and love someone who is going through a hard time but is clearly not ready to make any big changes? I love them and they aren’t like being hostile to me, they just aren’t done with whatever phase they are in yet. (
In 1 John
Closing Song: What Child Is This? (Jed Brewer)